The "Hong Kong Meicheng Mooncake" storm, which is a live celebrity "Crazy Boy", has continued.Some netizens broke the news that Guangzhou Meicheng Food Technology Co., Ltd. used to be the Oriental selection of foundry moon cakes.Oriental selection relevant staff on Wednesday (September 18) confirmed that the Eastern Selection in 2022 did cooperate with Guangzhou Meicheng Food Company a liquid moon cake.

According to the surging news report, the online photos show that the East selection has sold a "Oriental Selection Liuxin Mooncake", which is the foundry of the moon cakes as Guangzhou Meicheng Food Technology Co., Ltd.The moon cake was priced at 188 yuan per box (RMB, the same below, about S $ 34.3).

Relevant staff of Oriental Selection responded to the media inquiries that after verification, in 2022, Oriental selection indeed cooperated with Guangzhou Meicheng Food Technology Co., Ltd.Product standard production, the quality of goods is guaranteed, and meets national standards, but the price of this moon cake cannot be found in the background.

The aforementioned staff also said that the selection of related moon cake products in the East is not the same specifications as the moon cakes sold in other live broadcast rooms, and the contents and processes are different.The staff said it was unclear about whether the related moon cake products continued to cooperate with Meicheng in 2023.

The Meicheng Moon Cake sold by the anchor of "Crazy Little Yang" and the "Three Sheep" is in a false publicity storm.On the eve of the Mid -Autumn Festival, "Crazy Little Yang Brother promoted the" Meicheng Moon Cake "on the live broadcast room, it was declared that the moon cake was a high -end brand from Hong Kong.

But netizens later found that the brand trademark was registered in Hong Kong last year, and the production place was in Guangdong, and there was no offline selling point in Hong Kong. It was questioned as false propaganda.

The Hefei High -tech Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau reported on Tuesday that the company's Sanyang Network Technology Co., Ltd. founded by the "Crazy Xiao Yang Brother" involved "misleading consumers" and other behaviors, and has been investigated.

The staff of the Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau of Guangzhou said on Wednesday that the latest penalties of Guangzhou Meicheng Food Co., Ltd. involved in the company are still studying and discussing.Decide.