U.S. pastor Lin David reported that after being released in China, the US official promised that they would strive for two other Americans detained in China to be released.

According to Reuters, the US State Department spokesman Miller Monday (September 16) said at a press conference that the United States has worked for a period of time to win the releaseSome Americans were detained in China.

The State Department of the United States announced on Sunday (15th) that China has released Lin David (68 years old), detained since 2006.

Miller said at a press conference on Monday: "We welcome David Lin from the prison of the People's Republic of China. He has returned to the United States and reunited with his family for the first time in the past 20 years."

As for Swinan and Li Kai, the other two detained Americans, and Li Kai, Miller said: "We will continue to fight for other Americans."

Miller, Unwilling to rule out David's release is the result of the exchange.