(Beijing / Washington Comprehensive News) China and the United States held a meeting of the Ministry of Defense last weekend; US officials said that the United States actively carried out diplomatic activities in the United States and China, which did not mean that the United States had changed any changes in the treatment of Chinese issues.

According to the Ministry of National Defense on Sunday (15th) in the evening, after the Beijing Xiangshan Forum was over, the 18th China -US Ministry of Defense's work meeting was held last Saturday to Sunday (September 14th to 15th) in Beijing.Officials of the International Military Cooperation Office of the Central Military Commission of China and Michael Chase, deputy assistant minister of the US Department of Defense, co -chaired the meeting.

The two sides exchanged in -depth opinions on the relationship between the relationship between China and the United States, the exchanges of the two armies in the next stage, and the issues that commonly cared about.As for what the two parties "common concern" are, the notification has not disclosed more details.

The Voice of America reported on Monday (16th) that this was a talks again after eight months after eight months, highlighting the intensified situation in China and the Philippines in the South China, and the threat of the military in mainland China.In the situation, the United States continues to attach importance to the exchange of the two armies.

A senior official of the US Department of Defense said at a media briefing on Sunday that the US Department of Defense emphasized the importance of maintaining the smooth communication between the two armies in the talks, "to prevent competition from evolving into conflict, and reduce poor communication and misunderstandings.Risk. The official said that since November last year, the Pentagon has been committed to steadily reconstruction of military communication channels with China.However, he also emphasized that the United States actively conducting diplomatic activities in the United States and China does not mean that the United States has changed any changes in the treatment of Chinese issues.

The Ministry of Defense of China and the United States met at the Ministry of Defense.The Pentagon of the United States is held .