(Washington Comprehensive News) An employee of China Aerospace Giants China Aviation Industry Group was accused of hacking attacks on NASA, the US military and other targets.

According to Bloomberg, U.S. Prosecutor Bukananan Monday (September 16) In the indictment, he accused the 39 -year -old engineer of China Aviation Industry Group Wu Song (transliterated, Song Wu) attempted to from the US Astronum Agency and the Air Force., Army and Navy, and the Federal Aviation Administration obtained computer software and source code.

Bugannan's office issued a statement saying that Wu Song was suspected of attempting to conduct hacking attacks on the main research universities of Georgia and other five other American states, as well as the staff of private aerospace companies.

The United States proposed 14 telecommunications fraud and 14 serious identity theft against Wu Song.The statement did not mention where he was, nor did he explain whether he had been arrested.

According to a press release of the Prosecutor's Office of the North District of Georgia, Wu Song was accused of long -term fishing emails, posing as American researchers and engineers, and obtaining professional software that can be used for industrial and military applications.

Public information shows that China Aviation Industry Group is a state -owned state -owned enterprise managed by the central government.Construction and other industries.Bloomberg said that the group has a number of companies in the United States and has been sanctioned by the US government for the relationship with the Chinese military.

The US Department of Justice announced in April this year that two Chinese citizens accused them of illegal export technology, including semiconductor manufacturing equipment.