According to U.S. officials, Ukraine's invasion of a small territory in Russia may increase Moscow's difficulty in launching a large -scale attack in eastern Ukraine, and this unexpected operation may eventually make the Kremlin paid the actual price.

Ukraine's crackdown and its continuous success may ultimately have strategic significance, but US officials warn that they need to observe the development of the situation in order to draw more precise conclusions.These officials said that this may also help restore the morale of the Ukrainian army and the people who hate the people.

This invasion of the Kurusk region in Russia was in sharp contrast to Ukraine's counterattack in southern Ukraine last summer.This offensive was secretly planned, the purpose was to introduce the Russian army from the front line of Ukraine and seize territory as the negotiating chip.

The preparations for the last counterattack for several months were carried out in the eyes of the public.The Ukraine tried to recapture the territory, but in trouble because of failure to break through Russia's defense work, Moscow strengthened Russia's defensive labor during counterattack training in Ukraine.In that offensive, Ukraine did not listen to the US advice and scattered troops, rather than concentrated operations as this month.

But this time the Russia showed that the Ukrainian army had improved the ability of mechanized operations, which was a technology that it had not mastered a year ago.

Since then, Ukraine has been looking for a counterattack.

According to US officials, this operation will not promote Russia to sit at the negotiating table.Russian President Putin has been talking and will not negotiate during Ukraine's occupation of Russia. U.S. officials said he should be able to say.

But in a public speech, the director of the CIA Burns talked about it that it was necessary to fight the arrogance of Putin.He said that Russia would not make any concessions, unless Putin's over -confidence was challenged, Ukraine showed its strength on the battlefield.

Ukraine's action in Kurusk is an example of its active attack to expose Russia's weaknesses and make Putin feel embarrassed.

U.S. officials said that Ukraine must make persistent efforts on the basis of this operation, and take other bold operations so that Russia believes that victory is not inevitable.It remains to be observed whether this includes more invasion of Russian territory, secret destruction tasks, or other actions that have not yet been planned.

On Thursday, General General of NATO's highest military commander, General Christopher Kavali said that so far, the invasion was successful.He said in a speech at the Foreign Relations Committee in New York: "It can be said that progress seems quite smooth."

"They discovered a weak link of the Russian army's defense and used it quickly, and it was very cleverly used," said the US Army Four Stars, General Kwari, an expert on Russia.

Since the attack on Ukraine last week, this is the most detailed speech published by US officials on this incident.Government officials have been pushing most of the issues of this operation to Ukrainian officials.

Gavari often exchanged opinions with Ukraine's peers. He said that after a few months of slow advancement in Russia in East Ukraine, this operation greatly inspired the morale of the Ukraine.

"It has a very good incentive effect on the people and the army itself," he said.

On the other hand, Gavili also said that the attack caught the Kremlin by surprise and forced Moscow to hurriedly organize military responses.

"The Russians were beaten," General Gavili said."They are shocked. This situation will not last too long. They will rejuvenate and respond accordingly."

President Bayeng told reporters on Tuesday that Ukraine's offensive in Russia has caused the Kremlin to be in trouble, which is the largest foreign invasion since World War II.He acknowledged that U.S. officials have been in contact with Ukraine during their operation.

Bynden said, "This has caused Putin to fall into the dilemma, and we have been maintaining a direct contact with the Ukrainers -continuous contact. During the operation, I just want to say so much."

Ukraine's actions have also been praised by Kiev supporters in Congress.

Senate, Republican Senator of South Carolina, Lindsay Graham and Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Bulumen Sahebon held a private meeting with Ukrainian President Lianrensky on the week.Increase military support for Ukraine.

At a press conference, when asked about the invasion, Graham said: "What is my views on the Kolsk action? Bold, wonderful, beautiful. Keep it." He added:"This is provoked by Putin. Get away."

From the early morning of last Wednesday, news reports about Ukraine invaded made the White House, Pentagon and the State Council's senior officials caught off guard.U.S. officials said Ukraine did not tell Americans in advance their plans, maybe because they were worried that Americans would try to convince them to cancel the high -risk task, or because Ukraine was extremely concerned about leakage.

When Ukraine is obviously using vehicles, weapons, and ammunition provided by the United States to help bold ground operations on Russia, it becomes even more meaningful without warning the most important Western allies in Kiev.

Different from the previous cross -border raid by the Ukraine Commando, this operation uses thousands of regular troops. They are equipped with a mobile air defense system and electronic warfare equipment to interfere with Russia's radar -all these indicate that Ukraine intends to planA deeper blow to Russia.

However, as the information disclosed last year, American intelligence agencies have long known that Ukraine hopes to cross the border to launch an attack.Therefore, even if the timing and location know the backing, the strategic goal is not the case.

A intelligence report released by an Air Force National Guard released on an Internet forum that Zeleiski urged the army to consider crossing the border invasion at a meeting.According to this report, Zerrenki hopes that the Ukraine army will "occupy unprepared Russian border cities."

In fact, the recent policy transformation of the Biden government has made this action possible.

Under the pressure of consultants and important allies, Biden authorized Ukraine to use US -made weapons at the end of May to make a limited blow in Russia, thereby unveiling the new chapter of the Ukrainian war.

Biden's decision seems to be the first time that the US President has allowed a limited military response to artillery, missile bases and command centers within the border with verification.

However, the White House officials insist that the authorization is only applicable to the self -defense operations they call cross -border threats so that Ukraine can protect its second largest city of Halkov and its surrounding areas, avoiding it from the other side of the border.Russian missiles, gliding bombs and artillery attacks.The White House still banned Ukraine from using the US long -range precision artillery to attack the Air Force bases and other targets in Russia.

After Ukraine invaded Ukraine, the US policy was immediately reviewed.Officials of the Pentagon and the State Council said that Ukraine's use of weapons and ammunition provided by the United States during the attack did not violate US policies.

In addition to Biden's comment, senior government officials publicly refused to comment on the invasion itself, and said that the relevant questions should answer the Ukrainian side.

Ukrainian officials told the US senior cultural and military leaders that the goal of this operation was to make Russia fall into trouble in the operation, forcing the Moscow to transfer the army from the front line of the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine.In the past few weeks, the war there has progressed slowly but stable.

White House spokesman John Kobe said on Thursday that Moscow had "tuned" some troops from Ukraine to Russia, but he did not know how many troops involved or what the re -deployed troops would play.

U.S. officials said on Wednesday that Russia has withdrawn from Ukraine some infantry forces and sent them to Koursk to help resist the offense of Ukraine.They did not want to disclose how many troops Russia had mobilized, nor did they want to disclose where these troops came from.

But officials said they had not seen the Kremlin mobilizing the armored camps and other combat forces required for Russia to repel the invasion.

Nevertheless, Moscow had to put his existing reserve in Russia into the battle of the Koursk. If you want to expel Ukraine, you need to invest more forces.U.S. officials said that these troops would have been used for a slow and difficult attack in Russia in the next few months in Russia.

Whether Ukraine has sufficient power to use Russia's weaknesses in Donetsk is doubtful.Ukraine used a large number of troops in Kurusk, and may not have enough backup forces.More importantly, in view of Russia's defensive forces, U.S. officials suggested that Ukraine not to launch large -scale attacks in the south or east this year.

By attacking Kurusk, the Ukraine adopted the advice of Americans: instead of being fully prepared to the other party, it is better to fight in a place to defend the emptiness, thereby laid a strategic foundation.

What is the strategic significance of this move, only time can it prove.

U.S. officials said that they were told that another purpose of Kurusk's action was to seize and control the territory to increase the bargaining chip of Ukrainian bargaining.Land near the husband.

U.S. officials have been so successful in Ukraine's actions so far, and Russia's response is so slow and disconnected.

A senior US official said that the invasion was "Syruskit", and Syruski refers to Alexander Sysky, who took over the highest military commander in Ukraine in February this year.Due to the internal assessment of the United States, the official asked anonymous.He said that this was the kind of unprecedented action that Zerrenki liked.

But American officials also said that they continued to wait and see.

A senior American official claimed that this operation was a gambling.