(Shanghai Comprehensive News) The Chinese micro company formally submitted a complaint with the US court in the US semiconductor equipment, suing the US Department of Defense to include it in the list of Chinese military companies.

According to the First Financial Report, when China and Micro Corporation announced the above news on Friday (August 16), since it was included in the list, the company has done its best to communicate and clarify the facts with the US Department of Defense, providing sufficient evidence to provide sufficient evidenceIt proves that it does not meet the standard of the list.

China Micro Corporation also required the United States to remove it from the list, but as of the form of official prosecution, it has not been as expected.

Sino -Wei was included in the list in January this year.According to the interface news report, the US Department of Defense explained in the document of China Micro Corporation in June that the direct reason for Sino -Micro Corporation to be included in the list is that in 2019, it obtained the series of products "manufactured by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.Industry Single Championship Product Award ".

This is the second time that the Sino -micro is included in the list.The U.S. Department of Defense included it in January 2021, but at the company's Remove.

This list is a list formulated by the US Department of Defense in accordance with the 2021 Fiscal Defense Authorization Act, which aims to identify Chinese military companies that are directly or indirectly operated in the United States.Enterprises are included in US investors may not be allowed to purchase their stocks or securities, which has blocked the Chinese technology industry.