China Micro Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. announced that it was officially prosecuted in the US Department of Defense.

According to the Finance News Agency, China micro -Friday (August 16) announced that it has officially submitted a complaint to the US court and sued the US Department of Defense to include the company in the list of Chinese military companies.

Zhongwei said that since it was included in the Chinese Military Companies (CMC) list, China Micro Corporation has done its best to communicate and clarify the facts with the US Department of Defense, providing sufficient to sufficientThe evidence proves that the company does not comply with the identification criteria of the CMC list, and requires the US Department of Defense to remove the China Micro Corporation from the CMC list.

Zhongwei said, unfortunately, as of the formal prosecution, the company has not been as expected, so it has to take legal channels to request the court to ask the US Department of DefenseMicro -legitimate rights and interests, and protect the interests of Chinese WeChat shareholders, customers and partners.

China Wei emphasized that the company has always adhered to legal and compliant operations, strictly abide by domestic and international laws and regulations, and has never participated in any military -related activities.

The US Department of Defense reported in January this year that more than 10 Chinese companies such as Yangtze River Storage, Shanghai Hesai Technology, and China Micro were included in the list of more than 10 Chinese companies.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin emphasized at the report of the US Department of Defense in a routine press conference on February 1st.Provide a fair, fair, and non -discriminatory environment for Chinese enterprises.

China Wei issued a statement on February 4 that the company has always adhered to legal and compliant operations, and all products and services are used for civilian or commercial.In violation of objective facts and lack of factual basis, the US Department of Defense includes the company in the list. It is completely unreasonable.Through effective measures, the company will fully prove that the company is not an military -related enterprise.