Thailand's lower House of House of Commons on Friday (August 16), with 319 votes and 145 votes, elected the 37 -year -old party leader Peitan as the 31st Prime Minister of Thailand.

Peitan is the daughter of the former Prime Minister Daxin. Her aunt Yingla is the first female prime minister in Thailand, but she stepped down as a military coup as Daxin.Peitan joined the Thai party in 2021 and served as the party leader two years later.

After the national election last year, the young political leaders led the tower to the front party to become the largest party of Congress, but they lost their positions with the prime minister because they were unable to obtain half support from the upper and lower House.In the end, the Thai party nominated the social morality as the only prime minister's candidate and broke through the level.Peitan was not selected as a candidate at the time. How did she reach the top this time?

1. How does Peitan stand out?

Social morality was fired by the Thai Constitution Court last week that he was fired in violation of moral norms.According to the law, the new Prime Minister must come from the list of candidates submitted before the elections of the party last year.At that time, in addition to Peitan, the Thai party's list was only 75 -year -old former judicial minister, Gu Jiasen.In the end, Peitan became the only prime minister's candidate at the executive committee of the Thai party on Thursday (15th) for the Thai party.

2. Why do the Alliance Party support Peitan?

Peitan's nomination has been strongly supported by members of the ruling alliance, but it is reported that her father Daxin is more inclined to nominate Guess Jiasen.

Analysts believe that Daxin does not want her daughter to become a prime minister at this time, but wants to retain the "ace" in this political game.In addition, the political destiny of family members also allowed the Daxin couple to retain their daughter's leadership in Thailand.However, according to Thai media reports, guessing that Jiasen has a high age and is not assured of his health status for his health, and finally decided to nominate Peitan.

According to the analysis of the Thai national newspaper, Gu Jiasen has publicly stated that he supports the amendment to the amendments to the offending the monarchy, which is opposite to the conservative position in the Thai Party's Governance Alliance.One of the key allies, the Thai proud party leader, Anteine, said on Thursday that the party's branch holds any candidate for the Prime Minister nominated by the Thai party, provided that the other party does not support the amendment to the monarchy.

Anantein is also a potential candidate for the new Prime Minister, but he has previously stated that the Thai pride party fully supports the candidates for the Prime Minister of the Thai party unless Peitan himself refuses.

3. Challenge that Peitan may face

Peitan's priority is to promote the economic development of Thailand.Bloomberg reports that the Thai party has preserved its ruling status, so the policies promoted by the government's government will not change much.The Peitan government may promote economic growth through loose fiscal policies, and alleviate the high cost of living and family debt close to the highest level of history.

However, it remains to be observed for the 450 billion baht (about 17 billion yuan) digital wallet subsidy plan for the Thai party.The plan was opposed by many parties such as the Bank of Thailand, and believed that it would damage public finances.The national newspaper quoted sources that Daxin told Peitan that due to the weak economy of Thailand, the project should be abandoned.Peitan also stated to the media that this plan will be re -examined after coming to power.

Peitan is born in a prestigious school, invests in work, and has rich experience in politics due to the family background.In the future, she will not only formulate policies in various fields, but also face major challenges such as getting rid of her father's aura, establishing her own image and leading national progress.For the Thai party, she also hopes that she will re -revive the party, but the political situation in Thailand is shocking, and Peitan will face tremendous pressure.