After some disturbances, The Paris Olympic Games came to an end

Global players have experienced 16 days of hard work, passion, laughter and tears.In the end, there was an unprecedented achievement on the gold medal list-China and the United States each took 40 gold medals, Put the first place in the gold medal list .

Professor Elison, a professor at Harvard University, who proposed the Xuexidide trap last week, pointed out that the Olympic Games reflects China's almost all -round rise as the most important geopolitical opponent of the United States.

Is the Paris Olympic Games a refraction of the current global geopolitics?Who is the problem of no drug drugs during the Paris Olympics during the Paris Olympics?These controversy will not continue to 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games ? ?

The Morning Post Podcast East Talking Westwest , listen to the host href = " yong-hong" rel = nofollow target = _blank> Han Yonghong and the reporter of Lianhe Morning Post in Beijing Yu Zeyuan detailed analysis.

Wonderful fragment

Reporter Yu Ziyuan, a reporter in Beijing in Beijing: Chinese public opinion has never regarded sports simply as a game of sports.EssenceSports is not only sports, but also a reflection of comprehensive national strength.From the perspective of comprehensive national strength, after China entered the new century, its achievements in the Olympic Games have been relatively stable. This is inseparable from the background of the rising and rising roads in the past few decades.of.

In this issue (click the bookmark in the player, you can jump to the corresponding chapter):

  • 01:46 The Paris Olympics reflect China's comprehensive rise
  • 11:04 Swimming events shrouded in suspicious clouds
  • 21:33 2028 The Los Angeles Olympic Games will inevitably quarrel

Looking at the world, monitor China's heartbeat, Discuss international hot topics every week and analyze international current political dynamics.At 7 pm Singapore time on Tuesday.