(Nei Bidu/Yangon Composite Electric) The Myanmar military leader Min Anglai and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi negotiated on the joint border security issues of the two countries.Wang Yi showed that Beijing opposed the chaos in Myanmar, and said that China firmly supported Burma to achieve political reconciliation and restore democratic transformation process as soon as possible.

Min Angle, Wednesday (August 14), met with the visiting Wang Yi in Nearby, Myanmar. This is the first talk of the two.The military government subsequently issued a statement saying that the two sides discussed the stability of the border areas and also explained to "freely and open multi -party elections ... frankly discuss and exchange opinions."

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi emphasized at the meeting that China insists on not interfere with the principles of internal affairs, respects the development path of Myanmar's political tradition and Myanmar's choice of national conditions.

But he also pointed out that China firmly supports Myanmar's dedication to domestic peace and stability, realize economic development, and firmly support the Myanmar side to promote the new "five -point roadmap" under the constitutional framework, and achieve political reconciliation and restore democratic transformation process as soon as possible.Find the road to achieve long -term stability.

Wang Yi said: "As a friendly neighborhood, China opposes Myanmar's random war, opposes outside territories to interfere with the Myanmar Internal Affairs, and oppose any words and deeds that attempts to leave China and Myanmar, smear and slander in China."

The Myanmar military that overturned the elected government three years ago was facing unprecedented pressure today. Not only did the economic decline, but the armed rebellion against the military also intensified.

The military government extended an emergency for another six months last month. The reason is that more time is required to conduct census and formulate a roster for election.Mintanglai, who has repeatedly postponed the election, also said that he would hold a general election next year.

According to the Global Light News of Myanmar, China promised to provide Myanmar to provide Myanmar to provide technical assistance required for census and necessary assistance to hold elections.

However, the outside world has questioned the national elections planned by the Myanmar military government.Dozens of political parties in Myanmar have been dissolved due to unregistered candidates earlier, including the dominant position and the national democratic alliance led by Weng Shan Shuzhi, the leader of the democratic spirit.Many registered political parties are regarded as agents of the military government, publicly supporting the military government's agenda and condemning the rebellion.

In October last year, the "Three Brothers Alliance Organizations" consisting of the Burmese National Democratic Allied Allied Army (also known as the Katars Allied Army), the Deion National Liberation Army and the Ruo Kai Army launched the "1027" operation near the Chinese border, which caused the military governmentMajor losses.

China is the main ally of Myanmar's military and political power, but it also keeps in touch with minority local armed organizations that control the border areas of Myanmar.Under the mediation of Beijing, all parties had agreed to stop the fire, but it was not long before the ceasefire agreement broke the game. The battle restarted in June this year.The anti -military government forces have made significant progress in the Northeast region to occupy a large area, including a major military command in La Bang La Bo.

Lamada is a major trade town of Chinese and overseas Chinese, and an important trade road leading to China has passed through this place.Wang Yi shows that he is willing to deepen cooperation with the Myanmar side to help Myanmar to improve people's livelihood. He also hopes that Myanmar will effectively maintain the safety of Chinese personnel in Myanmar's projects and maintain peace and stability of the China -Myanmar border.

Burma and China also discussed online gambling and fraud.Wang Yi said that China is willing to increase joint crackdown on cross -border crimes with Myanmar to create a safe environment for the communication between the two parties.

During his visit to Myanmar, Wang Yi also held talks with Dan Sui, Vice President and Foreign Minister of Myanmar, and met with Dan Rui, the chairman of the National Peace and Development Commission of Myanmar.

Mintanglai met with Wang Yi this time, crushing the rumors that he had been banned by the military's senior generals before.The Myanmar military came forward on Wednesday, insisting that this was a rumor that "traitors" spread on the eve of Wang Yi's visit to Myanmar.