Weride, a self -driving technology company headquartered in Guangzhou, will be listed in the United States. For the first time, the amount of public offering (IPO) will be as high as US $ 440 million (S $ 580 million).

综合彭博社和路透社报道,美国证券交易委员会星期五(8月9日)提交的文件显示,文远知行将发行645万股美国存托股票,每股发行价为15.50至$ 18.50.

The US deposit stocks per share represent three ordinary shares.According to this document, the highest market value of Wenyuan Zhixing is about $ 5 billion.

Files show that a group of investors agree to purchase $ 320.5 billion in ordinary stocks through private equity.In addition, Renault Nissan Mitsubishi Alliance's Alliance Strategic Ventures and Wen Yuan Zhixing and Film supporters will purchase $ 97 million in stocks.

Earlier, the Alliance Strategic Venture Capital Fund participated in two rounds of financing of Wenyuan Zhiyi in 2018 and 2021.

Files also show that Robert Bosch Gmbh, a car parts manufacturer, agrees to purchase US deposit stocks worth as high as $ 100 million at the IPO price.If Bosch purchases any US deposit stocks, the number of US deposit stocks that can be sold for the public will be reduced accordingly.

According to the documents, Morgan Stanley, Morgan Chase, and China International Financial Co., Ltd. are the main underwriters of Wenyuan Zhixing's IPO.Wenyuan Zhixing plans to go public in Nasdaq with stock code WRD.

Data show that Wenyuan Zhixing's development of autonomous driving technology established in 2017 has carried out autonomous driving research and development, testing and operation in 30 cities in seven countries around the world.

After being listed in the United States in 2021, it was reviewed by China's network security after listing in the United States.Wen Yuanzhi is the second large Chinese company seeking listing in the United States this year.In May of this year, the high -end electric vehicle brand of Geely, a Chinese car company, was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, raising $ 441 million. The current transaction price of its stock is 35.6%lower than the issuance price.