(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Anti -Doping Center of the State General Administration of Sports of China issued two more articles, calling on the frequency of stimulants for American track and field athletes, and required to "cover up illegal cases" for the US Anti -Doping agency (USADA)Independent investigation shows that the drug test between the two countries has intensified.

China Anti -Doping Center issued a post on WeChat public account on Thursday (August 8th), citing cases of the American track and field star Nonat's stimulant positive, and since 1988, many insidious scandals in the United States, referring to the existence of the American track and field field"Systematic use of stimulants".

The article wrote: "We strongly call on the International Inspection Agency (ITA) to increase the frequency of stimulants for American track and field athletes during the Paris Olympic Games, strictly prevent hidden dangers of their athletes' stimulants, and heavy tree global athletes against fair competitionsConfidence.

On Thursday evening, China Anti -Doping Center posted again that since 2011, USADA has been exempted from allegations and punishment for athletes using steroids and erythrin (EPO) in at least three cases.Essence"We strongly call for independent investigations to the cover behavior of USADA seriously violating the world anti -doping regulations."

Since the beginning of the Paris Olympics, the China Anti -Doping Center has frequently spoke and continued to confront the United States on doping disputes.

In a statement on Tuesday (August 6), China Anti -Doping Center pointed out that Nonat was found to be positive for steroids (group Beton) during the stimulant inspection in March this year.But USADA said that this was caused by the athlete's consumption of contaminated meat, and decided not to impose a ban on him and allow him to participate in the Paris Olympics.

23 Chinese swimmers were positive a few months before the last Tokyo Olympics.China claims that the test positive is caused by the food pollution of the players' living hotels. Before this Olympic Games, there were far more than more than that of the Olympic Games. Dimension detection .But these failed to calm down from the United States, and the atmosphere of the dispute between the two sides continued to cover the Olympic Games.