The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Friday (August 9) criticized the United States with a foundation supported by the United States to infiltrate interference and subversion to other countries.

In a report released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday on the official website, describing the US National Democratic Foundation (NED) is a white glove of the US government., Interfere with other domestic politics, incite division confrontation, confuse the interference of public opinion, implement ideological infiltration, bad deeds, causing deep harm.

The report criticized the United States under the guise of democracy, freedom, and human rights. With the help of NED, the interference and subversion of other countries seriously violated other countries' sovereignty, security and development interests.

The report emphasizes that no country can use democratic human rights teachers to live, let alone infringe on the sovereignty of other countries, interfere with other domestic politics, and provoke ideological opposition.

Agence France -Presse previously reported that the US government is the main funder of the National Democratic Foundation of the United States.