One day before the "nuclear explosion day" and peaceful prayer ceremony of Nagasaki, Japan, there is one day. Facing the pressure of six member states and EU, which is faced with the United States, the mayor of Nagasaki stillRefuse to invite Israel.

Comprehensive Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) and Kyodo Kyoto reported that on August 8th, local time, Nagasaki Mayor Hisakuki, Nagasaki, announced that it would not invite Israel's "decision to remain unchanged", and explained that this move was not because of political politicsThe reason is that the "hope that the ceremony is held smoothly in a peaceful and solemn atmosphere", so it has comprehensively considered the risk of "unexpected situation".

Palestine is invited by Nagasaki, and the first -class counselor of the Palestinian general departments in Japan is expected to attend the 9th event on the 9th.

Among the members of

G7, except for Japan, the remaining 6 countries sent a letter to the EU on July 19 to express their concerns about the Nagasaki Municipal Government, and they were concerned about Israel.U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, once again sent a letter to Suzu Shilang to express his dissatisfaction, saying that "this is a political decision and has nothing to do with security."As of August 7, the United States Ambassador to Japan and the British Ambassador to Japan expressed their intention to absently rituals.

Lin Fang, the chief of the Japanese cabinet official house, said on the 8th that the invitation of the invitation was decided by the organizer, Changzaki City, and the Japanese central government did not comment on this.

Nagasaki Mayor Hisuke Shilang Japan Japan Broadcasting Association

On August 8th, Suzuki Shilang attended the press conference and once again explained the position of the Nagasaki Municipal Government and requested to understand."I hope that the ceremony will be held smoothly in a calm and solemn atmosphere. Although this is a difficult decision, it is still determined by this consideration. The judgment has not changed."

Suzuki Shilang explained: "Tomorrow (August 9) is the most important day for Nagasaki City.Participate in.

For the country who has stopped attending the ceremony, Suzuki Slang said that "although there are some regrets, I hope to participate next year", and say that these countries are not only for Nagasaki, but for Japan.Seize all opportunities to dialogue.

He said that it has verbally explained the reason why the embassies of the countries who have expressed concern in Japan not inviting Israel, "the result is still not fully understood."

In this regard, Lin Fang, the chief of the Japanese cabinet official house, said on the 8th: "The ceremony was sponsored by Nagasaki, and the invitation of the invitation to participate in the ceremony was judged by the organizer Changzaki City.For the reason, the central government is inconvenient to comment on this. "

NHK said that at the ceremony held on August 9, Suzuki Shilang will read a peaceful declaration of peace, which involves the situation in the Middle East.

Asahi Shimbun disclosed on August 7 that 6 G7 member states including the United States, the United Kingdom, and the EU ambassador in Japan said on July 19, saying that Nagasaki did not invite Israel's actions to be Israel and unheard of affected by not being subject toInvited Russia and Belarus "compare the discussion", which will cause "misleading".

According to Agence France -Presse, a spokesman for the US Embassy said on August 7 that Mayor Nagasaki did not invite the Ambassador to Israel to "politically" this event, and the US ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, will notParticipate in this event.The spokesman said that Emmanuel would go to a temple in Tokyo to participate in another event that day.

The US ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, did not participate in the "nuclear explosion day" peaceful prayer ceremony.Kyodo News Agency

The British Embassy in Japan said on August 7 that the British Ambassador to Japan Ronbatt would not go to Nagasaki.A spokesman for the French Embassy in Japan said that it is regrettable and problematic to not invite Israeli representatives.The spokesman said that the "second hand" of the French embassy will attend the commemorative event.

Agence France -Presse quoted media reports that Australia, Italy, Canada and the European Union will also follow the practice of the United States and Britain.

Israeli Ambassador to Japan Grade Cohen commented on the Nagasaki Municipal Government's not inviting him to participate in the 9th event, saying that the decision had nothing to do with the public order, and accused Suzuki Slang of "fabricating this.""I verified the relevant departments responsible for public order and security. I went to Nagasaki without any obstacles ... He (Suzuki Shirang) was really surprised by hiding the ceremony for political motivation."

Japanese media pointed out that Nagasaki's approach was in sharp contrast to Hiroshima.Hiroshima held the 79th anniversary ceremony of the 79th anniversary of the bombing of the atomic bomb on August 6. Israel was invited to attend, and Palestine was not invited.

In order to urge Japan to surrender as soon as possible, the U.S. military put the atomic bullets from Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945.For a long time, Japan described itself as an atomic bomb -bombing "victim", but avoids the cause of the bombing and the act of invading other countries.

【Text/Observer Network Yan Shanshan】