The lives of Bangladesh Prime Minister Shech Hasina and her political career are influenced by early trauma. This trauma is both a personal pain and a state's mark.

That was in 1975, her father, the charming founding leader of Bangladesh, the founding leader of Bangladesh, Shech Mujib Rakhman and most of the families were killed in a military coup.Harcina, who was in a foreign country at the time, was forced to exile in India.

She later returned to Bangladesh and became the prime minister of the country, which reflects Bangladesh's hope for better and more democratic future.She tried to control the army that launched a coup, bravely fighting Islamic warmies, and promoting economic reforms in this poor country, praised as a secular Muslim woman.

However, she changed over time.She became more and more autocratic and suppressed objection, as if Bangladesh should be inherited by her.Then, on Monday, many years of autocratic rule finally brought the consequences and kicked her down. Her life story returned to the origin: she resigned with a strong pressure of a strong protest movement, and was exiled abroad.

She initially launched a fatal suppression of the original peace protest movement, and angrily angered the protesters of the student's leadership. They rushed into her official residence and ransacked inside.They destroyed her portrait, demolished her father's statues around the city, and attacked the residence and office of her party officials.

Just a few months before Harcena's warehouse rushed down, she won the five -year term for the fourth consecutive time, and believed that her control of power was unbreakable.After she left, Bangladesh once again fell into the chaos and violence that the country often appeared in this country when her father founded the country.

Her steps down made the protesters fall into a jubye, but they need to face more worrying issues.

At present, this country with a population of 170 million seems to be in a state without leaders.Law enforcement agencies that caused at least 300 protesters have been scanned.The hostility between Harcena's party and the opposition party is unlikely to fade quickly. Many people will have a retaliation idea of ​​revenge for the cruel suppression of her leadership for many years.Others worry that Islamic extremism in Bangladesh may reproduce in political vacuum.

"We finally got rid of the dictatorship," said Shahding Malik, a famous constitutional lawyer and legal activist in Daka, the capital of Bangladesh."Before, we had a military dictator. But this cultural dictator is more dictatorship than the previous military dictatorship."

Malik said that when he first started serving as the Prime Minister in the late 1990s, Hasa was refreshing.The political arena of Bangladesh is full of coup, anti -coup and assassinations.Harxa is a Democrat, and her party is trying to act with a more responsible attitude.

But after re -control in 2009 -attempted attempts to experience election failure, exile, and more than 20 people's death -she seems to be driven by dark instinct.In her opponents, she saw an extension of the power that caused herself to cause lasting trauma.

She started to shape the mission of Bangladesh according to her father's vision, although he was accused of one -party autocracy in this country before being assassinated.Harxina seems to put everything under the background of this mission, and use its words to explain, as if this country has been staying in that period a long time ago.

In Bangladesh, her father's image is everywhere.She praised her supporters as the successor of Bangladesh's political heritage from Pakistan, and she was demonized to their opponents and accused them of betraying the long -term war.

"It is undeniable that the trauma she suffered was almost unimaginable, and she lost the entire family," Malik said."We have always believed that her political behavior and activities have been affected by personal trauma."

In recent years, Harcener's power has rely on two pillars: one is the ruthless suppression of the opposition to make it unable to mobilize; the other is to establish an omnipotent interest network. This network is to protect her as her own responsibility.Then in exchange for your own interests.

When asked about her strategy, she would answer that the political opposition was worse to her in the past, and the public did not sympathize with her traditional opponents.But it is obvious that the real test of her power is the issue of people's livelihood outside power and politics.

Before the election last year, the opposition showed signs of re -organizing its own power around the stagnant economy.Harxina's image as a national economic transformation designer has no longer existed because the country's excessive dependence on the clothing industry has become obvious, and the phenomenon of inequality is becoming more and more serious.Food prices have soared, and foreign exchange reserves have decreased to danger.

However, her government still has enough funds to maintain operation. When she needs it, she sought diplomatic and economic support from China and India.She used her control of the security forces to suppress the opposition's momentum and put her opponent into dozens or even hundreds of lawsuits, and the judges who tried these cases had benefited from her.

Students protested by students began last month aimed at a seemingly trivial question: the preferential quota system for government jobs.But this anger is a more extensive manifestation of economic pressure.

Faced with the demonstration, Harxa, 76, took the method of suppression. Every time she encountered in the past, she resolved this way.However, this time, this will lead to her step down.

At first, she disagreed with these students, saying that their ancestors betrayed the group of people in Bangladesh in the independent war that her father won.This angered the students, so she resorted to the suppression.

She sent a fierce young man in the Bangladesh party to attack the former peaceful protesters.When the conflict broke out, she dispatched more force to the street -police, army, and even accused of torture and manufacturing anti -terrorism troops -fast mobile camp.

In late July, a massacre occurred on the street, causing more than 200 people to die, most of which were students and other young people, and her situation became precarious.She strengthened the suppression -announced the curfew, cut off the Internet, put 10,000 people into prisons, and initiated prosecution against tens of thousands of people.The protests seemed to be dispersed.

"If this situation continues forever, of course, people will say sorrowful," said the scholar of Bangladesh in the School of Eastern and Africa Research, which said when the suppression was increased."If your friend is shot, how long can you still protest? But you know that doing so may pay a high price," so that Hasna will lose "all support".

When the curfew and communication blockade were relaxed, people quickly found that the protests were not overwhelmed, but instead expanded to the earlier bleeding incident.

On Sunday, protesters gathered together, reaching the highest level in history.Harcena responded again with force, and nearly 100 people were killed in protests. This is the day when the number of deaths has been protested.The fear and deterrent of the created have obviously been broken.

On Sunday, when the protesters called on Monday to hold a parade in her residence on Monday, her response seemed to be provocative -she called on the country to "use an iron fist to suppress an anarchist."

In the early morning of Monday, the road leading to Da Kaka was blocked, the Internet was closed, and public transportation was suspended.The security forces tried to block a large number of people outside the gate.

But at noon, the situation became obvious, and these strategies were just to fight for the time that happened behind the scenes.Hasa has resigned and prepared to leave the country.

Vague mobile phone video shows that Hasina came out of a black SUV from an Air Force base and a helicopter was waiting.She set off to India and is expected to stay there for a while, and then go to another destination, it is likely to be London.

General Vick Uz Zandan, Chief of Staff of the Army, delivered a speech nationwide to announce the end of her rule.He promised "to be upright for all murder and illegal behavior."

The protesters are in a jubilant.They rushed to her residence, rushed into her residence, took selfies and took away souvenirs.A protesters took a plant, one took a few chickens, and one took a plate.A protesters fishing a big fish from the pond of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

However, as night fell, people's anger has not subsided.The protesters pushed down the statue of Harcena's father, set fire and burned the museum established with his name (a residence in his assassination), and attacked the residence of Hasina's minister and the party officials.It is also reported that the houses of Hindus, as a minority group and attacked by worship venues, which makes people worry that the Islamists she have curb may be more bold.

"It is not enough to let Shech Hasina escape," Nahid Islam, one of the student protests, said after she escaped.He was detained and tortured twice in the suppression operation."We will make her rope."