(Washington Comprehensive News) Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng, Saturday (July 27), urged the United States to stop playing Chinese cards in the election, saying that China has never intended or interfered in the US elections and internal affairs.Xie Feng also warned that the United States was seriously misjudgment of China as an imaginary enemy, and the enemy of China and the United States would inevitably lose.

According to the news released by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States on Sunday (28th), Xie Feng pointed out at a speech at the San Francisco Bay Area to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States on Saturday that the United States expects to rely on the limit to compress China to cause China to cause China to cause China to cause China to cause China to cause ChinaAccepting the prices of the sky is unrealistic. Only through the conversation and negotiation can the problem solve the problem.

The era of Trump 2.0 is getting closer.Recently attracted great attention from Chinese public opinion.

Former President Trump of the United States Republican Party has threatened to impose 60 % tariffs on all Chinese goods if he returns to the White House, and his selected president's deputy player Wan Si also called" China is the biggest threat in the United States ".Public opinion therefore predicts that the Republican campaign group has won in November and launched a new round of trade war against China.

After the current vice presidential Harris became the most likely new presidential candidate for the Democratic Party last week, Chinese public opinion immediately described her as a weak person, which was not enough to pose a major threat to the Chinese economy.However, although Harris has not yet put forward detailed political opinions, economists expect that she will roughly insist on the current policy portfolio of Biden's government.

Xie Feng also stated on Saturday that the decoupling road is unreasonable, and there will be no winners in the trade war, industrial warfare, and scientific and technological warfare. Decumbling and solving problems can only be different.He quoted statistics that the termination of the permanent normal trade relationship with China will cause US $ 1.6 trillion (S $ 2.15 trillion) economic losses to the United States, and believes that the two parties have applied dialogue and cooperation with a zero -sum game.