Ma Chaoxu, deputy minister of China Foreign Foreign Affairs, said that cooperation between China and the United States is a good thing for the two countries and a gospel to the world.There is no winner in the "New Cold War". The only correct choice in China and the United States is cooperation.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Ma Chaoxu made the above statements when Ma Chaoxu made a speech at the US -China Trade National Committee in the evening of the United States and China Trade National Committee to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the China -US establishment diplomatic relations.

Ma Zhaoxu said that the 45 -year development history of Sino -US relations has fully proved that China and the United States and the United States are both benefits.The first Chinese and American dollars Xi Jinping and Biden Biden emphasized when the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States on New Year's Day this year emphasized that it is necessary to continue to work hard to stabilize and develop Sino -US relations, benefit the two countries, and benefit the world.

He quoted Chinese President Xi Jinping that it was common interests that allowed China and the United States to walk together.To achieve common development requires Sino -US cooperation, and solving global challenges also requires Sino -US cooperation.It turns out that China -US cooperation is a good thing to the two countries, the gospel to the world, and there is no way to fight. There is no winner in the "New Cold War". Cooperation is the only correct choice between China and the United States.

Ma Zhaoxu said that China hopes that the United States will start from the common interests of the two countries and the international community, and it will go with China to promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of Sino -US relations.The two sides should conscientiously implement the important consensus reached by the San Francisco meeting in November last year to maintain the momentum of stopping Sino -US relations.

Ma Zhaoxu proposed that the United States should establish a correct recognition of China, hoping that the United States will objectively and rationally treat China's development, and abandon China as the most important strategic competitors and the most important geographical political challenge.Actively explore the correct way to get along with the two big powers.

He looks forward to strengthening pragmatic cooperation between China and the United States, and pointed out that since the San Francisco meeting, new progress in dialogue cooperation between China and the United States has made new progress.The senior management of the two armies maintained communication, anti -drug cooperation was steadily promoted, and the first meeting between artificial intelligence government dialogue was successfully held, and the working groups of economics, commerce, finance, and gas change were well operated.The two countries should expand and deepen mutual benefit cooperation, laying a solid foundation for the development of relations between the two countries.

Ma Zhaoxu mentioned that China and the United States should deepen cultural exchanges.Since the implementation of the "Five -Year Fifty Thousand" initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, more than 7,000 American teenagers have been studying and exchanging in China.Two giant pandas have successfully settled in the San Diego Zoo and become a messenger of China and the United States.

He suggested that China and the United States should work together to continue to promote the increase in direct flights between the two countries and let the ticket prices be reduced.It is hoped that the United States will adjust the trip to China as soon as possible to stop the repatriation of Chinese students and scholars in the United States for no reason, so that the people of the two countries will return to normal exchanges as soon as possible.