Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that the United States should stop interference in Chinese internal affairs and stop playing "Chinese cards" in the election year.

According to the WeChat account of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Saturday, local time (July 27), Xie Feng delivered a speech at the San Francisco Bay Area to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

Xie Feng said that the ups and downs of Sino -US relations in the past few years is that the United States regards China as the most important competitors for curbing, and even more rendering China is a "threat to life and death."

He said that using China as an imaginary enemy is a serious strategic misjudgment and investing his strategic resources into the wrong direction.China does not challenge or replace the United States planning, and the United States should not have plans to curb China; China has never intended or interfere with the US elections and internal affairs.Chinese card ".If both sides regard each other as a partner, Sino -US relations will gradually get better.

Xie Feng said that there are differences between China and the United States on some issues, but this does not prevent the two parties from seeking same -as -the -way development of bilateral relations and deepening and mutually beneficial cooperation based on common interests.Differential dominates relations between the two countries.It is unrealistic that it is unrealistic to expect the other party to accept the other party's acceptance of the price.The gate of China ’s dialogue is always open, and more than 20 mechanism consultations established or restarted by San Francisco are operating.The two sides should continue to increase mutual trust and differentiates with dialogue, discuss more in case of incident, and have good discussion.It is necessary to respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and properly handle sensitive issues such as Taiwan in accordance with the principles of the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.

He said that the Chinese and American people have a tradition of friendly exchanges. Normal civil exchanges between the two countries should not be affected by political relations. I hope that the United States will "do plus law" in further increase in flights and promote students and scholars' visits.In the aspects of travel reminders of traveling to China, they "do subtraction" to the Chinese personnel, and create conditions for the stable and healthy development of Sino -US relations.

Xie Feng said that China's development and Sino -US cooperation have provided continuous growth momentum for the US economy, provided huge market space for American companies, and provided the American people with quality and low -cost products.The U.S. companies sharing China's development dividends in China have supported 930,000 jobs in the United States for exports to China.If the United States really suffers, how can the cooperation between the two sides last for 450 years?Will it curb China as the sole goal, and it is better to kill the enemy for one thousand and one thousand, and at the expense of discarding free trade, marketing principles, and contract spirit. Is it really in the interests of the United States?

He said that there will be no winners in the trade war, industrial warfare, and scientific and technological warfare. Decoming and solving problems can only be different.The success of China and the United States is the opportunity of each other rather than threats. The two sides should achieve each other rather than harm each other, stretch the cooperation list, shorten the negative list, and use the successful story of the successful story to the negative narrative of the game.