The first Olympic Games in Paris since 1924 exudes an amazing stupidity, as if this country that has always been enthusiastic about revolutionary enthusiasm has spent a century thinking about an unimaginable thing -to put one by oneThe great city became a stadium.

In order to meet the opening ceremony of Friday, the center of Paris has fallen into silence.At that time, a fleet will carry thousands of athletes along the Sina River, passing through a low bridge, those bridges are places where lovers like to stop.Since the new crown epidemic, the city has never been so quiet or so restrained.

From the Ostlz Bridge in the east to the Mirapo Bridge on the west, the road is closed. A new stand on both sides of the river bank is built. The sidewalks are surrounded by fences. Residents need the QR code issued by the police to return home.The golden angels, fairy, and Pegasus on the Alexander Third Bridge stared at the metal open -air stands and group police officers in the distance.

The boldness of this Olympic project is almost unimaginable, and it is also a major security problem that makes people have a headache. However, if it is based on those who sing against, the Eiffel Tower will not be up in 1889.The iron tower built for the World Expo was forced to leave Paris, and he called it a "huge, ugly skeleton".

Now, between the first and second floors of the tower, the huge Olympic Five Rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red.At night, they were glowing above the God of War, and the beach volleyball game will be held in this park.Nearby is the Seine River, which cost about 1.5 billion US dollars. It is said that the water quality is clean enough and can be used to host several Olympic projects, including two 10 kilometers of swimming competitions and Iron Man.

The Sina River was prohibited from swimming 101 years ago.But everything is ending.The Olympic Games, which cost about $ 4.75 billion in this time, hopes to bring changes in a long -lasting and environmental way."We want a revolution to make the French proud when reviewing in the future," Tony Estanga, chairman of the Paris Olympic Organizing Committee, told me.

For centuries, Paris has experienced many turmoil.Walking on the streets and history, even after many years, will be attracted by some changes in the beauty that have never been noticed before.

As a FLANEUR -the word can only be roughly translated as "wandering person", which is a special state of Paris, capturing the believer of the foreign bystander, and they are attracted by the city and the people here.The novelist and art collector Gat Rudrud Stein said: "The United States is my motherland and Paris is my hometown."

Here, I am amazed is a normal state.The light may fall on the golden dome, or through the sycamore leaves, or the limestone wall on the beautiful tree -lined road, or the sparkling Seine River on the dusk, which will allow tourists to stop.The city of light is also a city of shadow that is continuously depicted.

In the summer, many young people gathered by the river, drinking wine and beer, and playing music.The sightseeing boat passed by, and some people wielding their hands, and some people waved their hands.Let "Paris" and "romance" have two words that are inseparable from the senses.

Among the carnival people, there are often one or two people who are holding books. They wear headphones and immerse themselves in lonely contemplation.Paris is a city that advocates books. Here, people will use eye -catching posters and other advertising forms to praise the author of books. In the United States, this treatment is left to Hollywood movies.

It is also a city that pays attention to etiquette and avoids the world.The quiet space is connected to the magnificent building.The magnificent magnificent is always at your vision. The Napoleon Tomb in the Rongjun Courtyard is the most luxurious example. Similarly, there is always an inconspicuous arcade street nearby, such as Weldo Street.The secret world.Like Monmar's Little Saint Vincent Cemetery, it is part of the mysterious veil of this city's constant renewal.

Next to the Champs -Elysées, the gravel trail passed through a quiet green space to the Grand Palace in Paris. This magnificent building was built for the Paris Expo in 1900.This huge palace with classical stone facades, steel and glass vaults will be the venue of Taekwondo and fencing competitions.Swordsman seems to be very good at here.

Go forward again, in Xiehe Plaza, the three -person basketball, Perak dance and free -style small wheel car players will compete for the gold medal.The gorgeous hotel nearby is a model of luxury in Paris, and the residents are probably not interested in the event.

Of course, the center of Paris is not all in Paris.Most of the Olympic Games will be held in Cenna-Santy, which is located in a densely populated area in northern Paris. Immigrants who are mainly poverty, crimes, and North African-based immigrants have been struggling.Essence

But here is also a vibrant furnace, witnessing the increasing diversification of France.Olympic village will be located here, and there are new 5,000 newly built water sports centers.The clear Senna and the activated Seine-St.di integration into the "Great Paris" is the two core wishes of the Olympic Games.

These are lofty desires, but in France, we still have to see it.For places such as Seine-St.di, the conflict around the immigration policy is one of the important factors of toxic French politics in recent years, which has caused the country to fall into a deadlock. At the beginning of the Olympic Games, there was only one guardian government.

Of course, Malaise is nothing new in France.In fact, this French word describes a long -term state condition.

Through multi -level memory, I saw this new stadium city.In some places, if you are young and plastic, you will not forget for a lifetime.About half a century ago, I was a student who lived in a small apartment at the end of Mushangta Street on the left bank.I studied French in a high school in the southern suburbs and taught three English classes every week. The area was mainly known for a prison.

I always return to the Mu Faida Street market in the evening, where I stroll around — the catfish sparkle on the ice bed, the eggplant is densely lined up, and the hawkers are loudly, saying that as long as you sing a song, you can use the song to put the song.The last silver sardine was bought, and the pungent smell of GAULOISE cigarettes was scattered in the cold air.My only window overlooking the city attracted my attention endlessly.

Cigarettes have basically left Paris, and few stores will sell their dedicated acacia in the morning.English has launched a devastating attack on French, "Le Sharing" and "Le Bashing" (Strike) is my most disliked word recently.

However, the unique texture of Paris still exists -zinc iron roof, tiger window, chimney, black railing balcony, mottled white louge windows, cobblestone streets, gravel tracts, trees flat on top, and "CHEZ GINETTE "(Genet Restaurant) is a seductive tavern. All this will make directors such as Veles Anderson, it is easy to eager to become a French, or even imagine that he is the French.

In Paris, food still occupies a central position.Despite the erosion of fast food, lunch is still a distinguished ritual.New York guest writers, Paris gourmet A. J. Liblin's suggestions are still useful: "There are only two opportunities for field inspections a day, don't waste them to reduce cholesterol intake."

No place is more Paris style than Monmar. The top of the mountain is a white -top cathedral. There are endless streams of tourists. Some people take selfies and some people shoot the magnificent scenery under the mountain.People like Picasso and Modiliani live here. During the Olympic road bicycle race, bikes will also impact on the top of the mountain again and again.

Libik Street winds down from the mountain.At a turning point, there is a small restaurant called Au Virage Lepic, which means "Libik's Curly". The dining table is very close.

"What we need is the joy brought by the Olympic Games!" Said Maria Leat, the owner of the restaurant.She complained that because tourists avoided the Olympic Games and related restrictions, the restaurant business was not as good as before.

The 78 -year -old Michelle Tirier is enjoying the beef alone. He is a frequent visitor to this restaurant.I asked him if he was passionate about the Olympic Games.He said, no.This coincides with many Parisians who have escaped the city. In their opinion, the Olympic Games has a great impact on their lives.For Tiriye, the Olympic Games is completely a "self -fierce".

He told me that he was a retired film photographer.I want to know what he is doing now?"I'm waiting calmly," he said.In this city that has experienced everything, strong realism is another characteristic of its.

A public opinion survey conducted by market research institution ifop last week found that 36%of the French people were indifferent to the Olympic Games, and 27%were anxious about the Olympic Games.Once the Olympics starts, this situation is likely to change.It is expected that the Olympic Games will lead 11.3 million tourists through the history of France, go to the Palace of Versailles, and watch the equestrian competition in the symmetrical garden of flower pots and statues.behead.

The starting point of the Olympic Marathon is located in the city hall that is more exquisite than many palaces.On August 25, 1944, Paris had just been liberated from the Nazi hands. General Da Goghle delivered one of his most memorable speeches in the city hall."Paris! Paris is angry! Paris is broken! Paris has become a martyr! But Paris is free!" He said, then he attributed liberation to "the only France, the real France, and the eternal France."

The Cathedral of the Paris Virgin Cathedral stands on the nearby Xiyu Island. Its spire has been replaced after the fire in 2019. Although the restoration work is close to the completion, it is still surrounded by the scaffolding.Going forward, at the east end of the island is the removal of the monument to the martyr. The martyrs here include 75,000 Jews. They were killed by France, which was established by the Victorian regime by the Nazi concentration camp.He was not mentioned in his speech.

Paris has experienced religious wars, revolutionary horror, and killing hatred at different periods. To some extent, its survival itself is a miracle.There is a sign in the small garden under the new bridge to commemorate thousands of new faculties in Paris in August 1572 in Paris.As long as I have a chance, I will always stop there.

West La Island is like a ship driving on the Seine River. The western end is its bow. When you come here, stand under the willow tree and look at it.EssenceMany people -undoubtedly include the Olympic players who drive to the Eiffel Tower and Trocardro -the magical harmony of Paris?

It is elegant, calm, and comfort, but maybe it is still not sure. This is the essence of magical.The motto of this city is "Fluctuat NEC Mergitur" -she experienced waves, but never sank.If luck is good, the wave of the Olympic Games will hold Paris higher and bring reconciliation and peace to this war world.