As the conflict between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea is expected to slow down, US Secretary of State Brosakin also held a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday (July 27).The United States later described that the two sides conducted a "open and effective discussion".According to the analysis of scholars, China and the United States have their own divisions, and they have their own agrees.

China has been stranded in the army in the South China Hairen Reef (Ayunjin Reef) because of dissatisfaction with Manila.Related conflicts also affect Sino -US sensitive nerves.Until China and the Philippines announced last week that the " temporary arrangement was made.Cooling.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that when Bollingken attended the Asian Foreign Minister's meeting in Vientiane, Laos on Saturday, it was appreciated by the Chinese and Philippines to reach a temporary arrangement and expecting that the situation could continue to develop towards positive.However, he still emphasized that the United States and Asian'an must work together to "respond to challenges", including China "in the past few months in South China Sea Upgrade and illegal actions for the Philippines. "

After that, Brinken and Wang Yi held a closed -door talk of about an hour and 20 minutes.Based on the statement issued by the officials of the two countries after the meeting, Brinken expressed concerns about China ’s destruction of stability in China’ s China Sea (including Renai Reef) during the meeting. At the same time, it reiterated that the United States supported navigation and freedom, and resolved disputes based on international law.

Wang Yi emphasized that China and the Philippines have reached a temporary arrangement on the control of Renai Reef situation .It is no longer possible to transport building materials; the United States will no longer stir up the wind, disrupted the situation, and destroy the stability of the sea.

One day before the Association of Blint, Wang Yi and the Philippine Foreign Minister Manaro also warned that if the Philippines introduced the US medium -range missile system, it would be tense and opposed to the manufacturing area, causing arms race.

In response to the impact of the Sino -US foreign minister talks on the situation on the South China Sea, Ding Shufan, a honorary professor of the East Asia Research Institute of Taiwan Politburo, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that at present, the United States is really difficult to intervene in the China Maritime Police's actions in the South China Sea;Beijing should avoid triggering the rebound of the Ya'an country. Therefore, both sides show their willingness to control risks and take a step back.

For this talk, a US State Department spokesman Miller described that the two sides conducted a "open and effective discussion" on key bilateral, regional and global issues.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that during the meeting, the two sides agreed to continue to maintain communication at all levels to further implement the important consensus reached by the San Francisco meeting between the two heads of state.

In addition to the South China Sea issue, Brinken also emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait to Wang Yi on Saturday.

Wang Yi reiterated that Taiwan is part of China, and it will not be a country in the past."Every time the Taiwan independence is provoked, we will be countermeasures once, constantly compress the Taiwan independence space, and strive to achieve a complete unified goal."

In addition, Blins has attracted serious concerns about China's support for the foundation of the Russian defense industry.He warned that if China does not take action to resolve this threat to European security, the United States will continue to take "appropriate measures".

Wang Yi said that China ’s position on UkrainEssenceThe United States should stop leaning unilateral sanctions and long -armed jurisdictions. China opposes discredit and planted stolen goods, does not accept pressure blackmail, and will take resolute and effective measures to safeguard its major interests and legitimate rights.

The press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also showed that Wang Yi criticized the United States during the meeting and contained no enthusiasm for China to curb China.He said that the risks facing Sino -US relations are still accumulating, the challenges are also rising, and they are still in the key to stop falling and stabilized. It is necessary to continue to calibrate the direction, control risks, divide the differences, eliminate interference, and promote cooperation.

He also emphasized that he hoped that the United States would pass the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to further deepen reforms and promote Chinese style.Modernization of modernization, "understand the present and future of China."