With the decline in other major currencies in the US dollar, China's foreign exchange reserves in December increased to US $ 3238 billion (S $ 4308.8 billion).

The China National Foreign Exchange Administration announced on Sunday (January 7) that as of the end of December 2022, the scale of Chinese foreign exchange reserves was US $ 3238 billion, an increase of 66.2 billion US dollars from the end of November, an increase of 2.1%Essence

China is the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country.China ’s foreign exchange reserves in December were higher than that of Reuters analysts surveyed at $ 30 million.

The relevant person in charge of the China National Foreign Exchange Bureau introduced that in December 2023, due to factors such as monetary policy and expectations of major economies, the US dollar index fell, and global financial asset prices rose overall.Factors such as exchange rate converts and asset price changes have comprehensive effects, and the scale of foreign exchange reserves in the month has increased.

The exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar in December rose 0.52%, while the US dollar fell 2%against other major currencies against one basket of a basket last month.

The golden reserves announced on the same day (January 7) on the same day (January 7) showed that China ’s gold reserve was 71.87 million ounces at the end of December and 71.58 million ounces at the end of November, an increase of gold reserves for the 14th consecutive months.