(Cairo / Copenhagen Comprehensive Electric) Yemenmen Husseam armed for armed forces directly to the United States, and the Chairman of the Hussean Armed Supreme Revolutionary Committee Muhammad warned on Friday (January 5) that any country joined the Red Sea League led by the United States will lose the safety of the sea.Be their attack targets.

When Muhammad was interviewed by BBC on the same day, it challenged the United States through Western media.Earlier, 13 countries led by the United States warned Hasser that if they continued to attack the Red Sea merchant ships, they had to face some consequences.However, Hassas not only ignored the warning, but also detonated a unmanned ship full of explosives on Thursday to provoke a provocation on Thursday.

Bloomberg reports that the United States and allies have been considering attacking Hassy forces to stop Marcer's continued to attack the Red Sea merchant ship.The military and naval experts visited by Bloomberg listed the actions that the United States and allies might take, including one. Targeted strikes, attacking the missile launch field, radar, missile warehouses and other support infrastructure facilities to eliminate to eliminate to eliminateOr weaken the ability to launch ballistic missiles in the ship and channel.

The second is to launch a major offensive and cut off the source of the funds of Marcelonia; the third is to expand the escort of ships, and the fourth way to imitate the Saudi Arabia, adopt diplomatic and appeasement policies, stimulate the persuasion of Hussen to commit permanent ceasefire, comply with the United Nations supervision of the United NationsPeace plan.

London Business Risk Analysis Company Verisk Maplecroft's Middle East and North Africa chief analyst Soltwitt said that in recent months, Husseam has been armed in the Red Sea.The maintenance of the public sea has caused a certain degree of blow. "

The senior researcher of the navy and maritime security issues of the Institute of International Strategy of the British Think Tank said Charz said that the United States and allies must carefully choose the way of attack and the strength of the attack.At the same time, avoid involving regional conflicts.

In terms of shipping operators, the Danish giant Mascia announced on Friday that all container vessels in the Red Sea route will bypass all container ships in the southern end of Africa, and remind customers to prepare for serious supply interruptions in advance.

Maski has about six in the world's container transportation volume.Matski issued a statement saying: "The situation is constantly changing, and it is still highly uncertain. All the intelligence in hand now confirms that the security risk is still high."

The previous day Masis just announced that the four container vessels staying in the Red Sea returned to the Suez Canal, using the long -distance route of the Hope Corner to avoid being attacked by Husser.

Affected by the Red Sea attack, the shipping company has greatly raised the container freight to offset the additional cost of the Database.A spokesman for the German shipping giant HAPAG-LLOYD AG said that from December 18th to 31st last year, the cost of turning 25 ships to the road was as high as tens of millions of euros.Delayed one to three weeks.