(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) The US media reported that as Sino -US relations show signs of improvement, the Chinese PLA's unsafe interception of US military aircraft declined.

The friction between the Chinese and American armed forces in the sea and air in October last year increased sharply, and the two sides had publicly accused each other of danger.The Pentagon said at the time that the Chinese military's more than 180 interception operations in the past two years exceeded the total of the previous decade. The U.S. military believes that China is trying to force the United States to stop related military activities.

According to the United States CNN (CNN) on Tuesday (January 2), two US defense officials said that such unsafe interception incidents have decreased since October last year, and the two armies have not occurred again.Incidents may be signs of ease of military tension between China and the United States.

U.S. officials revealed to CNN that the last interception occurred on October 24 last year. At that time, a Chinese fighter aircraft was only about three meters away from a B-52 bomber on the South China Sea.

Chinese official and US President Biden held a meeting last November.= "About:/Realtime/World/Story20231222-1457580" R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _blank> Senior Correction of the Chinese U.S. military for more than a year .The heads of state of the two countries celebrated the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on January 1 this year.After these high -level interactions, Sino -US relations have eased to a certain extent.

However, the report pointed out that despite the decline in direct military friction between China and the United States, the PLA's actions in the South China Sea have continued in the past two months, and the sovereignty disputes with American allies in the region have continued to upgrade.At the same time, Beijing and Washington did not give back on issues in Taiwan.

The reduction of aircraft interception incidents has not reduced the outside world's concerns about the growth of Chinese military power.The U.S. military warned earlier that China has more than 500 available nuclear warheads and may be developing conventional long -range missiles.