The National Civil Aviation Work Conference of China proposed that this year will promote a significant increase in direct Sino -US flights, and at the same time, it will expand the navigation rights arrangements with the Belt and Road countries to optimize visa and entry and exit policies.

According to the official website of the China Civil Aviation Administration, the National Civil Aviation Work Conference was held on Thursday (January 4) in Beijing. The meeting summarized the civil aviation work in 2023 and studied the deployment of key tasks of civil aviation in 2024.

The meeting proposed that this year's civil aviation will implement the results of the Sino -US dollar meeting and promote the significant increase in direct Sino -US flights; actively expand the arrangement of national aviation rights with the Belt and Road Initiative, deepen the Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other regionsProject cooperation; promote optimizing visa and immigration policies, improve the level of convenience of customs clearance, and improve the efficiency of entry and exit of international flights.

The meeting said that this year's civil aviation will promote the C919 domestic civil aircraft to go abroad, do a good job of the C919, ARJ21 certificate, and do a good jobNational key model review and promote C919 aircraft EASA recognition review.

The meeting also mentioned that it is expected that domestic passenger transportation in China this year will continue to grow steadily. It is expected that domestic route passenger transportation volume will reach 630 million people throughout the year, exceeding 7.7 percentage points in 2019;About 80%before the class, it resumed to about 80%before the epidemic, and strived to complete 690 million passenger transportation volume.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Bynden held a face -to -face meeting in San Francisco last November, which mentioned that the consent of the two countries continued to increase the direct flight and promote civil exchanges.