(Nankanfa Xindian) Myanmar's anti -military government forces used drones to "air combat" with the Burmese army.

These drone forces raised drones near the Burmese base and flew to the Burmese strongholds in the Burmese Army to place explosives several kilometers away.They are the same as the first troops to eliminate the main force of the Burmese army before the ground forces attack.

Myanmar military leader Min Anglai admitted that in November last year, the anti -government armed union drone cast a bomb in the attack operation. The Burmese army was forced to evacuate the base for such attacks.

The Mandler People's Defense Force drone forces have recently demonstrated the attack process to Agence France -Presse near a military base.The troops leader Subuya will enter a map in the mobile phone that attacks the target. After the three drones take off, they fly to the target a few minutes after taking off.EssenceThe troops heard two explosions, which meant that one of the bombs could not be detonated, but the three drones finally returned safely.

The Burmese army occupied air controls with battles and helicopters made of Russia and China.Steutiazao said: "Military pilots drove fighters to attack us, and we tried (using drones) to conquer the sky on the battlefield."

In the past few weeks, the anti -military government forces drone forces have launched waves of bomb offensives throughout Myanmar, which not only forced government forces to retreat from the stronghold, but also hit the Burmese Army airport, and exploded near the border between China and Myanmar.A prospective general of the Burmese Army.

Zengjia's anti -military government is good at using new technologies such as drones

Anti -military government armed forces can establish drone forces, mainly because a group of young people in generations Z joined, they are good at using this new technology.

Steutiaza said that the Manda Lumin Military Defense Force drone forces were founded by two students of the engineering department, and there are more than 50 members.This group of young people has a strong hands -on ability. It uses a 3D printing mechanism to make prototype bombs. It is installed in non -explosive materials and controls the drone to carry the lane.

One -third of the members of the drone force are women.After the 18 -year -old girl Mo Mo witnessed the government forces in Mandler in her hometown, after violent demonstration of peace, she resolutely joined the UAV forces. So far, she has controlled the execution of drones many times.She said: "We have won some sites, and we have to continue working hard."

However, due to the limited flight distance of drones, they must try to get close to the Burmese base to control the drone to start attacks.In this way, they may also expose their positions and be countered by the Burmese army.

Steutiazana revealed that in the past few weeks, the drone forces have cast hundreds of bombs in the Bangbang. The troops have also trained for the Minority Armed Union in the local minorities and joined forces with them in the recent attack.

Some analysts said that this is the biggest challenge faced by the Burmese army since the launch of the coup to seize power in 2021.