The situation in the South China Sea continued to be tense in 2024. The Sino -US warships also cruised in this sea for two days, respectively.The Chinese People's Liberation Army posted on Thursday (January 4) that the air -to -air missiles were launched on the South China Sea recently;American ships.

Scholars of interviewees pointed out that China is currently concerned about the linkage effect of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea under the leadership of the United States.The Sri Lanka should not be in advance, but also reminds the United States not to further involve regional affairs.

The two -day joint patrol of the United States and the Philippines in the South China Sea on Wednesday is less than two months after the two sides have launching similar actions in this sea.The United States and Fei sent four ships, including the US nuclear -powered aircraft carrier Karwinsen.

The Southern Theater of the PLA reported on the evening of January 3 that from the day to the 4th, the sea and air troops were organized to conduct a routine cruise in the South China Sea. They also said that any military activity in the South China Sea and the creation of hot spots was in control.

Last year, the tensions of the Chinese and Philippines in the South China Sea continued to be upgraded .Increase military existence in this sea area, including the United States and Philippine joint patrols that have been restarted on November 21; on November 25, the U.S. Hopper missile destroyer entered the waters of the Xisha; on December 4The battleship enters Renai Reef (Philippines called Ayunjin Reef).

The theater of the Southern PLA has repeatedly taken action, including routine cruise and warning.The southern theater issued a notice and video on Thursday, saying that the theater Navy Aviation soldiers recently organized a multi -type machine such as early warning aircraft, carrier -based aircraft, fighter aircraft to carry out air -to -air missiles.

Ghulam ALI, deputy director of the Hong Kong Asia Research Center, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the information released by the Chinese military has two layers of meanings. One is to release a strong signal to the United States, that is, the U.S. military has passed eachA form of military operations involved in the South China Sea, and interfered with China ’s efforts that are currently trying to contact the Philippines to calm the dispute; the second is to warn the Philippines that Beijing will take tough countermeasures to resist the approach to the intervention of Manila's out -of -domain forces.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin criticized Feimei to carry out military provocations in the South China Sea at a regular press conference on Thursday. It aims to show off the force, which is not conducive to controlling the situation of the sea and the dispute -related disputes.Responsibility.

As the South China Sea intensified, China announced the replacement of the Supreme Commander of the Navy last week, and switched to the experience of Hu Zhongming .CCTV News Broadcast also rarely disclosed the latest aircraft carrier Fujian , including the first exposureElectromagnetic ejection track.

Zhu Ming, CEO of China Zhendan Think Tank and Senior Researcher, analyzed in an analysis in an interview that China has recently continuously released the military deterrence signal in China to respond to the linkage effect of the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.It is also hoped to maintain the situation of fighting in the Asia -Pacific region.

Gullam pointed out that China ’s previous military countermeasures in the South China Sea had poor effects and basically did not form too much for the United States. At present, it is to increase military warning and release more deterrent signals to the United States.It shows that the PLA has been fully prepared for military response. At the same time, it also warns that the DPP and Manila should not march in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea respectively.

The scholars have different views on whether the South China Sea will become one of the main game points in China and the United States in 2024.Zhu Ming judged that China and the United States will continue to play and show military power in this sea this year, but they will maintain their fighting without breaking. The two sides will be more restrained in the explicit game, so that the game in the South China Sea is basically controllable.

Gullam believes that although China has already made a card, the United States is still reluctant to give up the problem of intervention in the South China Sea and will continue to maintain the military influence in the region.And it is more difficult to control the conflict of crisis at sea.