The Malaysian domestic car manufacturer Baoto set the best performance since 2012, and achieved sales growth for five consecutive years.Experts in the automotive industry pointed out that the competitiveness of Baoqu has greatly improved its competitiveness after introducing Chinese technology. It is expected to further expand market share in the future and realize the return of the king.

Proton (Proton) on Wednesday (January 3) released the 2023 new car sales data showed that Bao Person sold 12711 cars in December last year, with a total sales of 154,611 vehicles in the year, which is compared to 2022The 143 % increased by 14,432 vehicles.

Baoto's annual sales have ranked second in the Malaysian Motor Market for five consecutive years, second only to Perodua.At present, Baoto's car market share in Malaysia is 19.4 %.

Baoto is the first domestic car company in Malaysia. In the early days, the Malaysian automotive market was dominated by the government's protection policy. Later, due to increasing competition and improper operations, sales in the past five years showed that Baoto seemed to have already seemed to have been in the past five years.Go out of the valley.

After cooperating with Geely, the quality of Baoto car is significantly improved

You Fangjin, a Malaysian car reviewer, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that after China Geely Automobile's acquisition of Baoto's equity in 2017, Baoto has made significant improvements in marketing or car quality.For example, Bao Person launched the Sports RV X50 and X70s launched in 2018 to break the past models, equipment and design, "refreshing and filling the market vacuum."

Because Baoquan is produced in Malaysia, the relatively cheap price has become a major advantage of it.Among them, the price of Baoto X70 in Malaysia started from RM98,800 (about S $ 28,300), and the same type of Honda HRV price was RM130,000.

Yin Zihao, a car sales consultant, said in an interview that many consumers chose Baoto cars because of high cost performance."The cars produced by Baoto in recent years can be said to be reborn. In addition to the price is not expensive, it has greatly improved in terms of safety, performance and technology, and it can even be comparable to Japanese cars."

The former Potten Person was founded in 1983 by former Prime Minister Mahathir, aiming to create national -level automobile companies production and export cars to Southeast Asia and other regions.However, Baoto has not won too much in markets outside Malaysia for many years, and its debt is exhausted, and the government requires capital saving.

In May 2017, the Barisan Nasional government led by Prime Minister Najib announced that Baoto sold 49.9 % of its equity to Geely in order to "stop bleeding".Mahathir raised Thajib to betray the Malay and trample on national dignity.

With the sales volume of Baoto, Najib satirized Mahathir on Facebook on Wednesday, referring to Bao Teng's current performance, proved that his approach was correct at the time.

Bao Chong faces the competition of other Chinese cars and electric vehicles

You Fangjin admits that in addition to bringing the cooperation between Bao Person and Geely, it has also changed the corporate culture, which has reversed the fate of Bao Person."The main leadership of Bao Chong is a high -level high -level sent from Geely from China. They have made improvements in all aspects of work culture, market strategy, and management."

He believes that if Bao Chong can maintain price competitiveness and automobile quality, it should keep the market share, and it is even expected to surpass the second domestic car with Japanese technology as the backbone.

However, You Fangjin reminded that as more Chinese auto brands entered the Malaysian market, Bao Chong will face greater competition in the next price.In addition, the rise of electric vehicles will also challenge Baoto.

Geely announced earlier that he participated in the high -tech valley project of Baoquan in Danjung Malin, Perak, to expand the development and export of automobiles.Analysts predict that Baoto will face Southeast Asia's automotive market, especially Indonesia and Thailand after the foothold at Malaysia.