The chairman of the China House of Representatives China Problem Committee pointed out that Shanghai Yinyuan Communication Technology Co., Ltd. has a relationship with the Chinese military and requires the Bayeon government to consider restricting the capital source of the communication module manufacturer headquarters in Shanghai.

According to Bloomberg, the Republican Chairman of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, Mike Gallagher, and the chief member of the Democratic Party of the committee, Rajakrishnamoorthi, on Thursday (1)On the 4th), an announcement announced on January 3rd said that Shanghai moved communication was "a key supplier of many companies that have been included in the list of Chinese military industry companies (the United States) Ministry of National Defense."

The electronic module produced by Shanghai moved communication can connect various equipment such as thermostats and automobiles to automatic vending machines to the Internet.U.S. officials said they were worried that these modules might be used to obtain data or shut down connected devices.

Norbert Muhrer, the president and chief sales officer of Shanghai Mo -Yuan Communications, said in an email: "We feel the letter to the United States Congress signing a letter to Shanghai MoDisappointment. Our products are only designed for civilian use and will not pose any threat to US national security. There is no basis for listing Shanghai Mo -Yuan Communication in any limit list of the US government. "In the letter led by the US Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense, members of the United States Congress requested whether to report whether Shanghai moved the Communications on the Chinese military enterprise that faced financing restrictions.