In response to a new round of military sales in the United States, China decided to impose sanctions on five US military enterprises.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (January 7) counter the United States to sell weapons to Taiwan and sanction in mainland China.

A spokesman said that the United States openly violates a China principle and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, especially the "August 17th" communiqué stipulates that weapons to Taiwan have been sold to Taiwan.Sanctions seriously damage China's sovereignty and security interests, severely damage the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and seriously violate Chinese enterprises and individuals' legitimate rights and interests.The Chinese side strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed this, and has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

A spokesman said that in accordance with the anti -foreign sanctions law, China decided to decide to the BAE Systems Land and ARMAMENT (BAE Systems Land and ARMAMENT), the Alliance Techsystems Operation, Aerovronic), Viasat and Data Link Solutions have imposed sanctions.

A spokesman said that sanctions include frozen the above -mentioned enterprises' real estate, real estate and other types of property in China, and prohibit domestic organizations, individuals transaction, cooperation such as transactions and cooperation in China.

On December 15, the United States, less than a month before the election of Taiwan, it announced a new round of military sales against Taiwan, with a total amount of US $ 300 million (about S $ 400 million).

In addition, in the context of the upgrading of the dispute over the issue of human rights issues in China and the United States, China last month has also followed the anti -foreign sanctions law to the US company Kharon and the Director Edmund XU and the Director of the Cardon Investigation.Former researcher Nicole Morgret, a former researcher at the US Higher Defense Research Center, imposed sanctions.