The Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency issued a post on the eve of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, calling on the Chinese and American parties to continue to promote Sino -US relations, and emphasize that competition must have a boundary, instead of curbing no lower limit to curb the lower limit.For each other.

Xinhua News Agency, which was published on Sunday (December 31), stated that China and the United States should adhere to mutual respect, live peacefully, cooperate and win, and follow the past, promote Sino -US relations, and then start again.Essence

The article emphasizes that after the future, we must take mutual respect as the basic prerequisite for China and the United States to interact with each other.The goal direction.

The article says that each country has its own unique historical and culture, has the core interests that are most concerned and unable to give up, and also have the right to choose a social system and development path that suits their national conditions.The most fundamental reason why China and the United States can break the establishment of diplomatic relations to build diplomatic relations is that both parties adhere to the principles of mutual respect and common depository differences, and shelve the differences between each other's ideology.Today, 45 years later, China and the United States are still different in many aspects, but they do not prevent both parties from seeking common ground while developing bilateral relations.It is not necessary to change each other by both sides. Instead, they should respect each other's social system and development path, respect the core interests of the other party and major concerns, and respect their respective development rights.

The article emphasizes that it will be based on the competition between large powers and define the relationship between the two countries. With your losing me as a policy goal, it will only lead to the continuous high tension between Sino -US relations and eventually harm the interests of China and the United States and the world.There are differences between China and the United States in the past and now, and there will be differences in the future. The key is to control the differences in a constructive manner."Competition must have a boundary, and should be based on fair and recognized international rules. It should be a benign and healthy competition, not zero -harmony game and winners.Confrontation. "

This article said that China's rapid development has benefited from the open cooperation with countries around the world, including the United States.EssenceBoth China and the United States have obtained huge benefits from cooperation, and there is no question of who suffers from losing losses and who takes advantage of whom.

At the end of the article, Xinhua News Agency said that China and the United States should deal well, draw wisdom and strength from history, and promote Sino -US relations to achieve stable, healthy and sustainable development.

The People's Daily published a comment on the signature "Bell" on December 30, emphasizing that the two parties must not be able to implement the consensus reached by the San Francisco meeting in San Francisco.

The article states that China and the United States are two major powers with different historical culture, social systems, and development paths.Bridge that is facing each other.The two sides should understand the bottom line of each other, not tossing, not picking things, not crossing the border, communicate, talk more, discuss more, and deal with differences and accidents calmly.

The article emphasizes that China always believes that the common interests of China and the United States are far greater than the differences, and the success of China and the United States is a chance to challenge each other.