The latest polls show that 44.5%of the Japanese interviewees claimed that they wanted Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong to "resign as soon as possible", accompanied by Kishida's cabinet support fell to a new low of 16%, showing that the Kishida government's next governing roadIt will be more difficult.

The results of the national telephone public opinion survey implemented by Kyodo News on December 16th and 17th also showed that 75%of the interviewees were retracted by the Liberal Democratic Party's political fundraising banquet.Give play to leadership. "However, in response to the personnel adjustment of Abe, a person who was replaced in important positions for the former official house chief of the official house, 58.6%of the respondents were "affirmed".

The polls conducted by Japan's Daily News from the 16th to 17th show that the support rate of Kishida cabinet has decreased by 5 percentage points to 16%compared with November. This is the support rate of the cabinet.For the first time, it fell below 20%; the no support rate rose 5 percentage points to 79%, which was the highest level since the daily news started in July 1947.

Xinhua News Agency reported that in Japanese politics, less than 30%of the cabinet will be regarded as entering the "dangerous waters" by public opinion.

Since June of this year, the support rate of Kishida Cabinet has fallen, and September The implementation of the cabinet reorganization and the launch of comprehensive economic countermeasures in November did not restore the trend.Analysis has previously pointed out that the recently fermented Liberal Democratic Party's secret fund scandal has further lowered the support rate of Kishida cabinet.