Xiao Meiqin, vice presidential candidate of the DPP in Taiwan, talked about the philosophy of war cats, pointed out that Taiwan should balance the balance in a complex environment like a cat, and find survival in comprehensive competition in economics, trade, diplomacy, and military.space.

Comprehensive Taiwan Civil Television News Network and the Central News Agency reported that Xiao Meiqin Monday (December 25) was held in the "International Trend of International Trends -Innovation Economy in the International Trend -Innovation Economy in the Southern Manor Hotel in Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (December 25)"Smart Country" delivered a speech, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan -US relations.

Xiao Meiqin said that the common value between Taiwan and the United States is to protect democracy and freedom, and the common interest is the peace and stability and prosperity of the Indo -Pacific region.

She said that the Taiwan government needs to sign a trade agreement with the United States in response to the new international situation and the economic and trade exchanges of the new form.However, Taiwan must also maintain a good balance, because "if we are not careful, they will be endless in the political struggle involved in the United States.

Xiao Meiqin said that in the past, during the period of Taiwan's representative in the United States, "War Cat Philosophy" came in time in time to obtain a balance between the United States.Cats have a way to balance in complex environments, including comprehensive competition between China and the United States, no one hopes that competition between China and the United States will evolve into conflict. Therefore, Taiwan needs to find living space in comprehensive competition such as economic, trade, diplomacy, and military.To achieve a balance between the two parties in the United States.

She pointed out that the sense of balance is very important. The balance of internal politics has the power of many stakeholders. However, the sense of balance that the Taiwan government maintains in challenges is a very important thing in Taiwan that can continue to move forward.A strategy.

Xiao Meiqin said that in terms of the situation in Taiwan, the risk of control is also a common understanding of Taiwan and the United States. It is believed that it is also expected by the people of mainland China.The balance of foreign relations is the most favorable trend of the economic development or social stability of Taiwan's economic development or social stability in both sides of the strait.

She emphasized: "When there is no road, we have 'Xunxi crossing the ridge' ... Internationally of the international environment, we find a seam, find a way to drill it, and we must get it.This door opens, this is the toughness of the Taiwanese. "