(Beijing Comprehensive News) At the time that the official and US President Biden will meet at the San Francisco Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed on Monday that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently visited the United States to communicate with the United States.The two sides agreed to achieve the "joint efforts" in San Francisco to achieve the first meeting between China and the United States.

According to the press release released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the AFP asked at a regular press conference on Monday (October 30): Wang Yi recently said that the preparation of the Xi -worship meeting cannot be relying on "autonomous driving".What conditions do China need to meet to determine this meeting?

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoted Wang Yi's words when he responded, and pointed out that Wang Yi's earlier visit to the United States was to communicate with the United States and effectively implement the important consensus of the two heads of state.On the basis of returning to Bali, facing San Francisco, pushing Sino -US relations to stop falling and stabilize, and return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.

He said that Wang Yi pointed out that the most critical of Sino -US relations is to achieve "five must": we must abide by the consensus between the two heads of state, to stabilize the bilateral relations between China and the United States, and to maintain the smooth communication channels., Mutual cooperation must be promoted.To achieve the stability of Sino -US relations, the two parties should also objectively understand each other's strategic intentions, correctly look at the competitive factors in Sino -US exchanges, and clarify the concept of national security.

Wang Wenbin pointed out that during this interview, in the attitude of equality and mutual respect, China and the United States conducted in -depth, constructive and substantial strategic communication on many issues that carried out common concern.Active signal."Both sides believe that the two major powers of China and the United States maintain the conversation and necessary. Both parties hope that Sino -US relations will stabilize as soon as possible and strive for better. Both sides agreed to work together to realize the meeting of the San Francisco heads."

Wang Wenbin finally stated that China and the United States have agreed to hold Sino -US marine affairs consultation, China -US military control and prevent diffusion consultation, Sino -US foreign policy consultation, China -US disabled affairs coordination meeting, and discuss the signing of the affairs of disabled people.In the memorandum of understanding, the two sides agreed to further increase passenger direct flights.

China and the United States met in November last November at the Bali Island Group (G20) Summit of Bali Island, Indonesia last November, and agreed to control the different development direction for the two countries.However, after the balloon incident in February this year, Sino -US relations have changed sharply.