In addition to reducing the living standards of the two countries, China will also damage the ability of the two countries to manage artificial intelligence in the two countries.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post, Kissinger said on Saturday (September 23) to participate in the Bund Financial Summit online on Saturday (September 23): "In this sense, it is important to learn from each other.It should not be carried out in a decoupling way. "

Kissinger believes that China is deeply integrated into the global economy and has strengthened US -China relations, because the two countries have depended in trade with each other.

He proposed that China and the United States can cooperate in supervision of artificial intelligence use, instead of trying to obtain dominant positions, and said that they need to pass dialogue and hold the mentality of avoiding unilateral advantages to carry out artificial intelligence supervision supervision.Work.

Kissinger calls on the Western world to create a window for artificial intelligence research in the West, "so that we will not live with each other between each other."