Reference News Network on September 22 The US Foreign Policy Double Moon Website published on September 19 that the United States could not stop the rise of China, and it should stop trying an article.Chen Fanchang, President of the University of Science and Technology, Middot, managed partner of Heyu Capital Company; Hibelgia, and Ma Kaishuo, an outstanding researcher at the Asian Research Institute of the National University of Singapore.Article excerpts as follows:

There is no doubt that the US government is determined to make the rise of China's economy slowing down, the most notable is the field of technology development.

All operations confirm that the US government is trying to prevent China's growth.However, the biggest question is whether the United States can successfully MDASH; mdash; the answer is likely to be negative.Fortunately, it is not too late to adjust the direction of China's policy to better serve Americans and other countries in the world.

The decision of the United States to slow down the development of Chinese technology is a stupid move that is similar to the horse after the horse runs away.Modern China has repeatedly stated that the country's technological development cannot be stopped.

Since 1949, in various key technical fields such as nuclear weapons, space, satellite communication, global positioning systems, semiconductors, supercomputers, artificial intelligence, etc., the West has made various efforts to limit China to acquire related technologies, or prevent China from preventing China from in these fieldsdevelopment of.The United States also tries to curb market dominance in China in the fields of 5G, commercial drones and electric vehicles.Throughout history, the efforts of unilateral or out -of -domain law enforcement, which aims to curb the rise of Chinese technology, have ended in failure. In the current context, this effort is causing incomparable damage to the long -term geopolitical partnership of the United States.

Many of the measures taken by the Biden government have not considered China's retaliation capabilities.Although China does not directly build many really irreplaceable components in the accumulation of American technology, it has keenly realized the importance of its raw materials (such as rare earth) and demand (income that can promote the innovative ecology of the United States), andThey are using them as lever.Under the current situation of tit -for -tat tit, in response to the restrictions on the US technology and capital exports, China will begin to squeeze the key ends on the value chain.

The United States deprives China to obtain the rights of the most advanced chip, and may even cause more harm to China in large chip manufacturers in the United States.China is the largest semiconductor consumer in the world, and about half of the income of some American companies comes from China.No wonder the CEO of several companies went to Washington recently that export control may damage the industry leadership in the United States.American companies will also be damaged by China's revenge operation.If the United States is completely banned to sell semiconductors to China, it will make it more difficult for American companies to maintain competitiveness worldwide.

No other global demand bases can replace China, and American actions will be in vain.In addition, the United States surrendered to China a few years before the war.As a result, China created a self -sufficient ability under stimulation.(Compilation/Feng Xue)