Ren Zhengfei, founder of China Communications Equipment Giants, faced in the faceU.S. sanctions and targets, Huawei will become more and more difficult but more and more prosperous.He also said that he had never said to defeat the United States. Advanced culture in the United States still had to learn.

Liu Yadong, the dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Nankai University and the former editor -in -chief of the Science and Technology Daily, had a dialogue with Ren Zhengfei at a cafe in Huawei Shenzhen Bantian Headquarters on July 7 this year.A number of Chinese media released the full text of the two of them on Thursday (September 21).

Ren Zhengfei said in the dialogue that if China will establish its own standard system in the future, this standard system will definitely be better than the United States.The US standards have been established since the 1970s, and it has been more than 50 years.On the contrary, China has only established standards in recent years. "Why do you still do it according to its (US) standard?", China directly set up a better standard than the United States. "Except for China, the world will be used."

Ren Zhengfei believes that China has already ahead of western countries in some areas of informatization.EssenceHowever, he also said frankly that in the long run, the development of China's state must solve education problems. To solve education problems, we must first overcome network obstacles.

He believes that China's informatization needs to be accelerated, and it is proposed to further improve the school running conditions in high schools and primary schools, and open the curriculum of Beijing and Shanghai Hao Middle School in China to Yunnan, Tibet, and Xinjiang. At the same time, at the same timeThe Chinese government also provides subsidies for free to use the network of schools in the frontier regions. As long as the quality of education in the western region is improved, "then our nation will revitalize for 30 or 50 years", and some social problems will be solved.

When talking about the United States, Ren Zhengfei said that the United States' advanced culture China still has to learn, "We have never said 'knocking down the United States'."He believes that China needs to borrow a mirror in the US educational model. For example, "Many famous Western schools have no textbooks, and there is no textbook like Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Criticism before. "When the students do their homework, the teacher only needs to think that the students' ideas are correct, and they do not need to conclude, because the teacher does not have conclusions themselves.

He said that China should learn the strengths of others and create the values of the country."There is a Jobs in this world, do we have Jobs in China? There should be, there should be, many smart children are very powerful."He believes that there are still many soils that attract talents in the United States, and China also has such soils to attract high -level talents.

Ren Zhengfei said that the state should pay attention to those who cannot directly create value, and let him live a decent life."No decent life, no one will do (innovation), that can only run behind the ass, this country can never lead the world."

He believes that talent training should be implemented with a dual -track system.EssenceEveryone has the ability to learn self -study, but also needs to receive good education; "self -cultivation" and "he Pei" must be combined. For the growth of talents, the environment and soil are of course important. "If the black land in the northeast is more suitable for the growth of tulips,Then why do you have to plant it on Gobi? "