(Shenzhen Comprehensive News) Ren Zhengfei, founder of China Communications Equipment Giant, said that in the face of US sanctions and targets, Huawei will become more and more difficult, but it will become more and more prosperous.He also said that he had never said to defeat the United States. Advanced culture in the United States still had to learn.

The dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Nankai University and the former editor -in -chief of the Science and Technology Daily Liu Yadong on Thursday (September 21) released his dialogue minutes with Ren Zhengfei in Shenzhen Huawei headquarters in July this year.In the dialogue, Ren Zhengfei was asked to face a severe external environment. When Huawei would choose to develop, he said that Huawei will become more and more difficult, but Huawei will become more and more prosperous.

Ren Zhengfei said that if China establishes its own standard system in the future, it must be better than the United States.He said that the US standards have been more than 50 years, "their clothes are supplemented, and there are patch everywhere. Why do we make new clothes in recent years?standard".He said that except for China, the world will be used.

Since 2019, the United States has imposed sanctions on China in various aspects, including chips and underlying system software.Therefore, Huawei has to develop Hongmeng's mobile phone operating system and Euler server operating system.There are currently 600 million users in Hongmeng.

Ren Zhengfei believes that China is currently leading in some areas of informatization, but in terms of basic research, we must learn from the United States.He said, "We still have to learn from the advanced culture of the United States, and we have never said‘ knocking down the United States ’.”He also said that there are many soils that attract talents in the United States, and China also has this soil to attract high -level talents.

Ren Zhengfei said that China's long -term development must solve educational problems.He said that basic research is inseparable from basic education."We have recruited talents from overseas in the past few years. Recruitment is difficult in the future.

He proposed that it is necessary to do a good job of education differentiation, and to use good schools as a platform, open courses to the Internet, and bring up the west of China.He also said that he must learn English and mathematics.Do not learn English, rural children are always farmers.

This interview is the third time Ren Zhengfei has spoken to the outside world this month.On September 4, Huawei delivered Ren Zhengfei in the internal community and mentioned that Huawei plans to establish a high -end talent reserve.On September 16, the official website of the International University Student Program Design Contest disclosed Ren Zhengfei, which mentioned that the fourth industrial revolution foundation was great computing.