(New York Composite Electric) sources revealed that the United States and the Philippines have begun to discuss the existence of the US military's existence in the eastern coastal areas of the Philippines.

The Philippine President President Macos actively repaired the Philippines and US defense relations after taking office last June. In March this year, the United States and Philippine agreed to expand the 2014 strengthening of the defense cooperation agreement, so that the Philippine bases available in the United States increased from five to nine.However, these bases are mainly located in the northern and western parts of the Philippines, and five of them are located in Lvzon Island facing Taiwan and northern Philippines. Two are on the west of the Nansha Islands.

Philippines explores the opening of the U.S. military to use the eastern coastal new base

Aquilino, commander of the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command, said at a press conference last Thursday (September 14) that he and the Philippine Armed Forces Commander Brauna discussed the number of bases that the US military entered, and"Make suggestions to our senior leaders."However, the two sides did not disclose the base location of the increase.

Saturday (23rd) of the Nikkei quoted three people familiar with the matter, saying that the new base locations that are open for the U.S. military in the eastern coastal areas, including Samar, Leyte, East of Mianlan Old Island, andLvzon Island Province (BICOL).

In this way, the U.S. military footprint will cover almost the entire Philippines.However, one of the sources pointed out that the negotiations in this area are in the "preliminary stage".

A spokesperson for the Pentagon of the United States said: "We continue to seek methods to strengthen strengthening the coordination of defense cooperation agreements and coordination with allies, but there are no additional plans to announce."

According to the strengthening of the defense cooperation agreement, the United States can conduct joint training, pre -deploy equipment and construction facilities at the Philippines military base, but cannot be held for a long time.

Cooper, a senior researcher at the American Institute of Enterprise, pointed out that the United States currently has only a few major military bases in East Asia.The United States is worried about the conflict of the Taiwan Strait and is trying to increase its way to increase the base of the region. The two major blocks closest to Taiwan are the Philippines and Japan.

China ’s claim to have the South China Sea, covering the Philippines as its own exclusive economic zone.China and the Philippines, the two China and the Philippines, and the Philippine Bu many times in this sea area, which caused tension between the two countries.

The US -Japan -Philippine three -party talks condemned China ’s attack on the Filipino supply ship

The Straits Times reported that when a three -party talks were held on Friday (22nd) at the U.S. -Japan -Philippine Foreign Minister who attended the UN General Assembly on Friday (22nd), it condemned China ’s attack on the Philippines to supplement the ship.

The US State Department spokesman Miller said that the foreign ministers of the Three Kingdoms reiterated the promise of maintaining the peace and stability of the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and "will continue to criticize the violations of international law, including China recently intervened in the Philippines in Ayunjin Reef."Gonghai navigation freedom of freedom."

The United States, Japan and the Philippines also agreed to continue to cooperate as "equality and sovereign independent partners" to ensure that the Indo -Pacific region is free to open and maintain international law.