US President Biden announceEstablishing an office, while implementing existing security laws, cooperates with states to control the violence of guns in various states.

Reuters reported that Bayeng said in a statement on Thursday (September 21) that he would "continue to urge Congress to take common sense actions that most Americans support, such as general background investigations and prohibitions from prohibiting.Attack weapons and large -capacity magazines "; however, given the lack of" urgent action ", the newly established office will work together with other government departments to fight against the" epidemic disease "of gun violence.

The Gunning Violence Prevention Office will be supervised by Vice President Harris and operate with the help of the main gun safety advocates.In a statement, Harris said that the office will work hard to "collaborate and encourage Congress leaders, states and local leaders, and (against violent) advocates to make persistent efforts on the basis of meaningful progress."

Reports pointed out that most of the Democrats agree to formulate stricter gun laws and reduce the death caused by schools and cities across the country due to guns.However, most Republicans have objected to shot and introduce more legal measures on the grounds of holding the right to hold a gun by the United States Constitution.

Nevertheless, the two parties still showed a rare spirit of cooperation last year on the problem of guns. It passed a more gentle gun safety measures, that is, the two parties strengthened the community security bill.

Establishing a new gun violence prevention office is to advocate the long -term desire of anti -violent groups.The group is satisfied with Biden's measures to promote reform, but also hopes that the White House can have more actions.

The office will accelerate the implementation of the federal firearies reform law signed by Biden last year, dig deep into other actions that the government can take, coordinate the support of the community that affects the violence of guns, and expand cooperation with states and cities.