When geopolitical tension, GGV Capital, a well -known risk investment company in Silicon Valley, announced its own business in China.

According to Reuters, Ji Yuan Capital said on Thursday (September 21) that due to the political pressure on Chinese technology investment, the company divided the business into two, one focused on Asia, and another other, and anotherOne focuses on the United States.

According to the statement, Ji Yuan Capital's US business will mainly invest in cross -border transactions in North America, Latin America, Israel, Europe, and the United States and India;South Asia is expected to be completed in the first quarter of next year.

Statement stated: "In the past ten years, the investment pattern has changed dramatically, and the operating environment has become highly complicated. Facing these new reality, Jiyuan Capital is constantly developing."

This is another US venture capital this year announced the spin -off of its Chinese business.Sequoia Capital also announced in June this year that its business in China, India and Southeast Asia is split into two independent companies, and the two companies will adopt their own brands.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Jiyuan Capital is one of the companies being reviewed by the US Congress in July. The committee aims to investigate the situation of US companies providing funds to Chinese technology companies.GSR Ventures, Walnd International, and Qualcomm Ventures are also being reviewed.

Ji Yuan Capital manages about $ 9 billion (S $ 12.3 billion) assets. It is one of the first US venture capital companies invested in China in 2005.Didi and other companies.

Preqin data of the other investment research institution shows that Jiyuan Capital raised only $ 5.5 billion in financing in the first half of this year, far from the peak of US $ 27.6 billion in the same period in 2021.