Bloomberg commissioned the famous semiconductor survey company Techinsights last week to disassemble a China Huawei The newly listed Mate 60 Pro mobile phone confirms that the Chinese -produced Qi nano -chip is used in it.This news shocks the United States because this shows that under the severe sanctions and restrictions of the United States, China can produce a high -end high -end chip , breaking through the US technology blockade.

One week later, Huawei announced the pre-sale of the other two new mobile phones.The function of _blank> 5G proves that China can already produce high -end chips in large quantities.

Has China really broke the dilemma of the neck by the American technology card?What does this mean for China's trade and military development and international relations? The next step of the Sino-U.S. develop?

Han Yonghong and Huazhong University professor, Optics Valley, Optics Valley, Optics ValleyFounding and vice chairman of Bisheng Asset Management Co., Ltd. (China) Chen Guangyan Division analysis.

Wonderful fragment

Professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Dean of the Optics Valley Free Trade Zone Research Institute Chen Bo: I think the current strategy of the United States, according to their Security AdvisorHigh wall.The policy of China should be a long -term strategy that has passed through the US government and the United States Congress to compromise. This long -term strategy is unlikely to have a fundamental reversal because of Huawei technology, or it has become more.Strict, or just give up, the possibility of both.

Dr. Chen Guangyan, a professor and vice chairman (China), a professor and vice chairman of Bi Sheng Asset Management Co., Ltd.: (described by China after being targeted), some countries seem to be eggs.Throwing it on the wall, it will break; some countries seem to be a quality of the ball. If you throw it on the wall, it will rebound back and hit your head.

In this issue (click the bookmark in the player, you can jump to the corresponding chapter):

  • [02:09] Does China really have the ability to produce a seven -nano -chip?
  • [04:46] Will the United States take further sanctions against Huawei?
  • [09:48] What will be affected by other US semiconductor industries
  • [13:56] Avoiding sanctions will affect China's international relations?
  • [18:40] The Sino -US Science and Technology War entered a new stage?

Looking at the world and monitoring China's heartbeat, , discuss international hot topics every week to analyze international current political dynamics.At 7 pm Singapore time on Tuesday.