The UN Security Council held the Iranian nuclear issue public meeting on Thursday (July 6).Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, spoke at the meeting, calling on the United States and other parties to promote the comprehensive agreement of the Iran nuclear issue to return to the right track as soon as possible.

According to the China News Agency, Geng Shuang said that the full agreement of the Iranian nuclear issue is an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy that can be decided by the Security Council, and it is also the key pillar of maintaining the international nuclear non -diffusion system and the peace and stability of the Middle East region.EssenceThe previous government unilaterally withdrew the comprehensive agreement, which put pressure on the limit of the Iraq, which triggered the Iran nuclear crisis.Since April 2021, all parties have carried out multiple rounds of pragmatic negotiations under the coordination of the European Union, and it has only been "one step away."Unfortunately, the negotiations have fallen into a deadlock since August last year.

Geng Shuang said that the priority is that all parties make greater efforts and strive to start the recurring process as soon as possible.The relevant parties such as the United States should seize the positive momentum, adopt a pragmatic attitude, and go with the Iraqi side to promote the comprehensive agreement to return to the right track as soon as possible.China has called on the United States to lift all unilateral sanctions on Iraqi and third parties and "long -arm jurisdiction" measures to stop threatening the wrong practices of use forces to create good conditions for the early comprehensive recovery of performance.

Geng Shuang said that the current situation of the Iraqi nuclear is at a critical stage. Relevant parties should maintain a rational attitude, separate the Iraqi nuclear issues from other issues, and avoid taking any situation that may upgrade the situation and destroy political diplomacy solutions.Negative moves.The Chinese side advocates the constructive role of the Security Council on the issue of the Iranian nuclear. The resolution of the Security Council No. 2231 part of the restrictions on Iran will expire in October this year.

Geng Shuang finally said that not long ago, Iran and Saudi Arabia realized historic resumes through the Beijing dialogue, and for the political solution of hot issues such as the Middle East and other hot issues of the Iraqi nuclear, and the comprehensive reconciliation of injection and hope in the Middle East.China is willing to work with all parties, upholding real multilateralism, implementing global security initiatives, taking the road of joint security, working together to build a new security structure in the Middle East, and to achieve long -term security in the Middle East.As a permanent member of the Security Council and participants in the Security Council, it has always been committed to maintaining the effectiveness of the comprehensive agreement and the authority of the Security Council's resolution.China is willing to maintain close contact with all parties, promote the comprehensive agreement to return to the correct track as soon as possible, and maintain peace and stability in the international nuclear non -diffusion system and the Middle East.