The Minister of Health of Malaysia, Kelly, believes that UMNO grassroots and supporters do not support the cooperation of UMNO and the Hope Alliance, which will lead to the defeat of UMNO's six states elections.Umno is the only way to replace the support of the Malay to replace the party chairman Ahmad Zahi.

Kelly received an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post at the office of Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday (July 5) to talk about his views on UMNO and Liuzhou elections.He believes that Malay voters tend to change, which gives the National Alliance in the wild to have the opportunity to expand the territory in the State of the Pakatan Harapan.

Kelly was sent to the Xuezhou Shuangxi Mao Nuo as cannon fodder in the Selangor in the Pakatana strong area before the Malaysian election in 2022.Zaish's strong offensive of the Pakatan Harapan was defeated.In January of this year, Kelly was expelled from the party in the Umno's "Clear Party Action" for the high level of the party.(Photo by Qi Qicong)

He pointed out the clues and said: "Holding the rally traditionally is the strong point of the Pakatan Harapan, but we began to see that a large number of people participated in the National League's rally in the state of the Pakatan Harapan.But this indeed marked that the situation has changed. "

Kelly was a member of the third parliament of Lingmao District, Morilan, but before the Malaysian election in 2022, he was sent to the Xuezhou Shuangxi Mao Nuo as cannon fodder in Xuezhou Shuangxi in the Pakatan Harapan.One vote is defeated in the Pakatan Harapan's powerful offensive.In January this year, Kelly criticized the party's senior management. In the UMNO's "Clear Party Action", Fleerated by the party .

Kelly does not have any official and party positions today, but has not separated from politics, and often shares his views on the political situation in Malaysia on different platforms.He is currently a senior visiting researcher at the Easov Isaev Isa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore.

Kelly directly criticized UMNO in the interview, referring to some UMNO leaders who persuaded themselves to accept cooperation with Pakatan Harapan for the benefits of official positions.

However, Kelly believes that Ahmad Zahi will be difficult to convince ordinary party members who have not benefited.These party members may not vote in the six states or vote for the National League.

Pakatan Harapan cooperation may not be able to benefit each other in the Malay voters behind the Iraqi Party and the Turkish Troupe Party

The voting date of the Liuzhou election is scheduled to be on August 12, and the nomination date is July 29.After the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional decided to cooperate in the six states, the members of the members had dissatisfied.Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional have not yet fully reached consensus on the distribution of seats.

In Kelly's view, the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional cooperation may not bring votes to each other, because the non -Malays supporters of the Pakatan Harapan may be voted to the Barisan Nasional because they do not want to support the National League, butUMNO supporters are more likely to vote to the indigenous unity party of the National Alliance.

Kelly's political career has fallen to the bottom in the past six months.In the November election last year, Kelly (fourth from left) wore a BN and took a motorcycle to draw votes along the way in Shuangxi Mao Nuo, Selangor, Selangor. Two months later, he was expelled from the party for criticizing the party's senior management.(File photo)

Kelly pointed out that the Pakatan Harapan led by Prime Minister Anhua only received about 13 % of Malay votes in the election last year, so Anwar hoped to fight for more Malay votes through UMNO."Unfortunately, for the Malays, UMNO is not pleasing to the UMNO member, because UMNO has a leader who is considered to be very corrupted and over -compromised."

He further said that Umno only won less than 30 seats in the last election last year."This reflects the situation of UMNO today, and to what extent the Umno has fallen."

When the reporter asked Kelly, he would give Ahmad Zahi a advice to save UMNO, he said, "The answer is obvious, isn't it?In the reconstruction of the party's integrity between Malay voters, especially the traditional UMNO supporters, you must step down first. "

The Pakatan Harapan array can guard the Sheron Penalian regime, but the national alliance forces will expand

For the results of the six states elections, Kelly predicts that UMNO may win some seats in the strong foundation Senzhou, and the whole army of five states will be overwhelmed.Overall, the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional can hold the regime of Selangor, Samimalan and Penang, but the forces of the National League in these three states will expand.

Kelly believes that if Malay voters refuse to UMNO in the election, Anwar must consider whether to continue to cooperate with UMNO in the next election.He said: "If I am a prime minister, I must start to consider Plan B because I don't want to shoulder this heavy burden to the election."

It is confirmed that the state will not go to the state to choose to be mature and return to politics

Faced with the competition in the court and the field, Kelly confirmed that he would not be in the six states elections.However, he admitted that he would not leave politics forever, and made a decision to mature the time.

With the approaching of the six states, Kelly's recent movements have attracted much attention from all walks of life.Earlier, he attended an economic conference hosted by Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anhua. It was rumored that he might intend to join the People's Justice Party.Later, he met with Mu Yuding, chairman of the National Alliance and the chairman of the Turkish Mission, causing all parties to speculate whether he would be invited to join the Tuling Party.

Kelly said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that he decided to rest first and would not rush to return to politics."I want to read more, write more articles, and I am doing some business. If I return to politics immediately, these plans will be derailed. I think it's a good thing to rest."

Hosted the most popular podcast program "Impact may be as big as in politics"

Kelly said that he is currently hosted in the early -ranking program in the country's ranking, co -hosting the most popular broadcasting programs in the country, and has a certain popularity in the broadcasting industry.He laughed and said, "I think my influence (Reach) does not become bigger, may be as big as when in politics, because I have no party and no faction now."

Kelly is the son -in -law of former Prime Minister Abdullah. When Abdullah rose rapidly, it was also criticized to affect Abdullah's decisions.-floorboys).After Abdullah had a stick to Najib, Kelly was still reused and served as many cabinet ministers.After the fall of Najib, Kelly was involved in UMNO. Although it was popular, but because there was no powerful background, the party was finally removed.

When the reporter asked him what kind of political parties would choose in the future, he said that he would choose to meet personal values and do not need to make too many compromise.

"I have to spend some time to make a decision. I won't say how much it is worthy of any political party, which is made by the party to decide. However, for the existing political party or establishing a new party, this isI haven't decided. "