The share of goods imported from China has fallen to its lowest level since 2006.

According to the Wall Street Journal, after the adjustment of seasonal factors, the import of imports in the United States increased by 1.5%in April to US $ 323.6 billion (below, about 436.1 billion yuan).The main driving force for this growth is industrial products such as automobiles and parts, non -monetary gold and metal products, as well as mobile phones and other family supplies.

It is reported that China's share in foreign trade in the United States has also declined again, and continues to maintain a downward trend.In the 12 months as of April, China accounted for 15.4%of American goods imports, the smallest share since October 2006.

In recent years, American companies have been looking for the choice of Chinese manufacturers.At the time of the geopolitical tension in the United States, the Trump administration levied tariffs on thousands of goods from China, and the Bayeng government continued the approach.

Lawrence Werther, the chief economist of the U.S. company studying American companies in the capital market, analyzed: "The United States is seeking diversification of trade channels ... US -China relations have been in the past few years.It becomes more hostile. "

The reduction of China's share in the US imports means that European countries, Mexico and other Asian exporters benefit from it.The 25 Asia and South Asian countries including India, Japan and Vietnam accounted for 24.7%of American goods imports in the 12 months of April.

The China Customs General Administration announced on Wednesday (June 7) that in May, exports fell by 7.5%year -on -year, and in April increased by 8.5%.