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Tu-Tu Du-AMANDA Andrade-Rhoades' crisis around the upper limit of the US debt has not subsided. The US President's worship was forced to shorten the upcoming Asian trip to delay the original plan to visit Papua New Guinea and Australia.Biden will still set off to Japan on Wednesday to start on Wednesday to attend the three -day seventh -point group (G7) leader summit starting on Friday.

Biden told reporters that he explained his decision to Anthony Albanese by phone by phone.Albanis said on Wednesday that after Biden delayed attending the Quartet Security Dialogue Leadership Meeting in Australia, his government was discussing with Japanese Prime Minister and Indian Prime Minister.

** debt upper limit negotiation **

Biden and Republican House Speaker McCarthy's negotiations on Tuesday ended within one hour.However, the meeting ended with an optimistic and unexpected tone.

McCarthy said after the meeting with Biden and other Congress leaders, "It is possible to reach an agreement before this weekend."

McCarthy told reporters that Biden was trying to reach an agreement on the debt limit problem before June 1 to relieve the threat that could cause economic disasters.He said, "We have a lot of work to do in a short period of time." He also said that the meeting of less than an hour laid the foundation for future dialogue.

Biden said he had a good and effective talks with the Democratic leaders and the Republican leader, but "there is still work to do."

There is not much time for reaching an agreement for Biden and McCarthy.On Monday, US Finance Minister Ye Lun reiterated that if the upper limit of debt is not raised, it is expected that the US government debt will not be paid because of cash on June 1.