The US media quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that the United States and allies are preparing to further pressure China at the Japanese Summit of the Seventh Kingdoms (G7) this week.And take economic countermeasures for other countries.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the above -mentioned persons said that the statement planned to be released will not be named any country, but the United States and allies are increasingly worried that the Chinese government is increasingly using their criticisms.The "economic coercion" is said to express dissatisfaction with other countries.

After the United States promulgated the ban on the export of advanced process semiconductors and production equipment for China's advanced process in October last year, China announced in March this year to conduct a networkSafety review.

Tom Cole, the Republican Federal Republic of Oklah, the United States, said at a hearing on a hearing on China's economic stress on the House of Representatives that the economic stability and national security of the United States, national security, national security.As well as the economic stability and national security of American friends and allies around the world, China's economic coercion has a significant threat.

People familiar with the matter said that the statement of the G7's statement will explain a common route and principles to deal with economic coercion, but it will not include the bulletin that is usually released during the group summit.