Comprehensive Russian TV (RT) website and Russia reported on the 15th that Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said on the same day that Moscow "disagreed" French President Macron's saying that "Russia began to become a vassal of China"And emphasize that Russia and China are mutually beneficial relationships.

French President Macron. Source: Visual China

Macron said in an interview with the French Public Opinion on the 14th that he believes that Russia "in fact has begun to become a vassal of China in a certain form."He also said that the Russian side encountered "geopolitical failure" during the Russian conflict.

In this regard, Peskov refuted this statement that the relationship between Russia and China is "strategic, special partnership, and has nothing to do with any dependence on a certain party."He also told reporters that Russian -China relations are based on "common interests, mutual benefit, and similar world views in international affairs", and "on the issue of national development, we all oppose strong lingering and weak, and oppose the point of view of a certain party to impose the point of view of a certain party."In other countries".

Peskov said that Russia believes that Macron's remarks are "absolutely incorrect" and saying that this seems to be "proof, (Macron) completely misunderstand the real situation."

In addition, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Grushko believes that Macron's statement about Russian -China relations is to try to provoke separation between old friends. However, he and other Western leaders will have to accept Russian -China relations.A firm reality.

The website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a comment from Gruhko, "They cannot give up any means to provoke separation between old friends and provoke some countries against other countries.These countries have forgotten their national interests to meet the geopolitical ambitions of the previous 'master of the world'. We understand the statement of French presidents on Russia -China relations in such a context. "

"Our (Russia -China) has gradually deepened, friendly, tested, self -sufficient, and non -opportunistic strategic partnerships that have disturbed Paris," Geushko added that the real internationalThe multilateral system, with many independent centers including Russia and China, is gradually being formed, which makes Western countries feel scared.

Gruhko emphasized, "This new world order means the leading position of the" Golden billion "country for centuries. These countries are doing their best to use all means to prevent or slow down this.Process. However, in the current world map, Macron and other Western leaders have to accept the reality of the relationship between Russia and China that have established a solid, equal and mutual respect for each other, and the significance and impact of Russian -China relations on international relations onlyThe facts that will continue to strengthen. "

When talking about Russia -China relations in March, Russian President Putin responded to "Russia relies on China".He said to the "Russian 1" TV reporter: "This is not a doubtful person, but a jealous person (what). Why? Because, for example, compared with the Russian economy, the European economy's dependence on China has enhanced the place to enhance China.It is much faster. China and the entire European trade volume has grown rapidly. Therefore, all the opposite, they better think about themselves! "(Edit: HHJ)