Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with Su Lvin, a national security adviser to the White House in Vienna for eight hours."Cold and not hot" is because the United States has long damaged China's interests for a long time, which has made the Chinese people "cool".

Global Times Saturday (May 13) published a social review entitled Washington's Light and Non -hot Sino -US relations, saying that the United States has done for a long time, and once again and again.The disappointment and indignation of Chinese society with goodwill and goodwill in the United States make the hearts of the Chinese people cooler.Many Chinese netizens do not believe that the United States can "change strings". A large number of netizens said that they do not believe that Washington will change the attitude towards China, especially on the Taiwan issue.

The article bluntly stated that since the United States has done so much to harm the interests of China, it is impossible to expect the Chinese to be indifferent and even enthusiastic about you.The article says that the United States in the eyes of the Chinese people has three impressions: first, they are unwilling to see China prosperous and strong, and curb their unscrupulous methods for China; the other is to disrespect and provoke China ’s core interests to prevent China from reunification;Do a set.The article emphasizes that the United States is constantly confirming and strengthening the Chinese people with practical behavior. The Chinese do not think so.

The article states that this meeting was performed under the background of mutual trust between China and the United States. The reputation of the United States in Chinese society was infinitely close to bankruptcy and needed "bankruptcy reorganization".If the Chinese misunderstand the United States, then ask the United States to get evidence to prove that it is a misunderstanding. Otherwise, this is not only an obstacle to the ease of Sino -US relations, but also a worse -in intensity factor in Sino -US relations. "People have a cold heart.It takes some effort to heat it up again. "

The article emphasizes that the importance of Sino -US relations is self -evident, and China has been starting from the standpoint of a responsible country.The first buttons.The article urges the United States to take practical actions to prove that it is indeed responsible for managing competition, rather than dealing with China by opportunity."What Washington needs to be clear is that the kind of American diplomacy that wants to" eat dry and clean "must not be able to catch any oil and water here in China."