(Yangzhou Comprehensive News) China National Journal disclosed a confrontation between China and US military aircraft in the South China Sea.Experts say that the military confrontation between China and the United States continues to increase, and similar confrontations have been normalized.

Observer reported on Tuesday (May 16) reported that a paper published on April 25th, a ship electronics confrontation entitled P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft sound application analysis and intelligence support research.The U.S. military P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft sounding the way to respond, and disclosed a confrontation between China and US military aircraft southern China.

Ship and ship electronics confrontation is an academic science and technology journal under the leader of China ’s large -scale central enterprise China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group. The first author of the paper is Liu Dongqing from the PLA 95510 unit.

The paper pointed out that on January 5, 2021, a U.S. P-8A anti-submarine aircraft was close to the water about 150 kilometers from Hong Kong.The scale and nature are not disclosed.

When a Chinese reconnaissance aircraft enters the valid discovery distance, the uplink signal of the buoyant has disappeared one after another.After the anti -submarine mission was completed, the U.S. military issued an immediately self -destructive instruction, and the buoy was sinking into the bottom of the sea to prevent the Chinese side from being ordered or salvaged to prevent leakage.

Song Zhongping, Chinese military commentator, told Lianhe Zaobao that P-8A is the main anti-submarine aircraft in the United States.As an important part of naval operations, anti -submarine operations are difficult for any country.

Song Zhongping said that in the context of the continued context of the Sino -US military confrontation, confrontation shows that the United States has increased its close reconnaissance efforts to China, and also revealed that the United States is "worried" for Chinese submarines.Interference has been normalized. "


Thesis said that in recent years, the US P-8A anti-submarine aircraft frequently conducts reconnaissance surveillance and search for submarine in China.Big threats and challenges.

The paper states that the PLA has proposed targeted electronic confrontation intelligence support strategies for the P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft buoyant of the P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft.


Thesis believes that China needs to speed up reconnaissance and research on P-8A and prepare for possible military struggles.