According to the Nanhua Morning Post reported on May 15th, the Chinese technical team revealed in the Kunming-Bangkok Railway negotiations that China has agreed to teach some high-speed rail technology to Thailand to help Thailand independently build a high-speed railway network.

It is reported that with the deepening of the China -Thailand high -speed railway project cooperation, the desire to independently design and build the high -speed railway in Thailand is becoming increasingly strong, and it is also hoped that it will play a greater role in future China -Thailand cooperation.On this basis, Zhongtai has reached an agreement to conduct technical transfer in the field of 11 high -speed rail construction, including rail design, tunnel design, bridge construction, railway station design, power lighting, signal system, etc.Technical knowledge will be shared and taught in the form of training, seminars.

The Sino -Thailand Railway Construction site shot in Nakata, Thailand.Xinhua News Agency reporter Lin Hao

South China Morning Post said that the two sides will further negotiate details on specific patented sharing authorization.In addition, China's transfer technology to Thailand will use China's high -speed railway standards, on the one hand, it is more advantageous in terms of cost, and on the other hand, it also achieves better compatibility with the existing railway infrastructure in China and other countries in Southeast Asia.

China and Thailand are jointly constructing a total length of 873 kilometers.The China -Thailand Railway connects Kunming and Bangkok, Thailand in the future. It is a major project for China -Thailand's high -speed railway cooperation and an iconic project for joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.According to the Thai Bangkok Post, the railway will make the transportation of goods faster and efficient, create more new business opportunities for the tourism industry to help promote Thai -China trade.As a key part of connecting China and Southeast Asia, it will pass through Thai cities such as Chiang Mai and Nakata, and connect with other railway networks in the middle and old railways.

After more than a year after opening to traffic, the

The Lao and Lao Railway officially opened an international passenger train on April 13 this year. So far, more than 13,000 cross -border passengers have been sent.The construction of the China -Thailand Railway is also accelerating.According to a report by the Chinatown of Thailand on March 7, the latest progress of the China-Thailand Railway announced by the National Railway Administration of Thailand shows that the first high-speed railway line in China and Thailand has 1 contract in Bangkok-Nakata section.Operated operation in 2027.The second phase of the project is advanced in advance, and it is expected to start in 2024.After the completion of the high -speed rail, the driving time from Bangkok to the gallery will be greatly shortened from the current 11 hours to 3 hours and 15 minutes.